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Thread: Fiance Visa and 'Hi!' ... thought I'd instroduce myself ...

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Fiance Visa and 'Hi!' ... thought I'd instroduce myself ...

    I'm Steve and I am not exactly stereotypically anything, I just got the rule book of life and chucked it so, this is briefly about me.

    Just turned 51, I had a gay relationship at 20, that ended, I got married at 23 in 1986, 4 kids later, got divorced in 2000. Got civil partnered in 2009, got divorced in 2012, seems I don't do well being cheated on.

    Last year I met Jo online. The plan was to find a nice man locally to settle down with, presuming my way of living is settling down (which it isn't). I joined a group called 'caffmos' which is for guys who prefer an age gap in either direction. I just get on better with younger guys, am not yet ready for house slippers and the lake district (now whose stereotyping!) But, online one evening and the only other guy online was Jo and he was the other side of the planet. We spoke about how that was just annoying, we'd found someone to talk to and they were no where near us! He was looking for some too.

    Months went by and I thought actually checking how possible a trip there would be, there being Mindanao, Philippines (Gensan). Turns out, apart from UK Gov telling me totally under no circumstances should I travel there, it's too dangerous, I will get blown up or kidnapped or ... well, needless to say, I ignored all that advice.

    I visited in February this year, stayed a whole month, as long as my ordinary visa would allow. Me and Jo got along as well in person as we do online so, it was all good.

    We decided we want to get married and, then the fun and games start!

    I got a lawyer here in Northampton, she is very good, prepared all the paperwork. Annoyingly, I'd forgotten to allow for Philippine Time in my calculations to how soon Jo would get done what he needed to do! We wasted several weeks for a few phone calls to be made and then, all the info I sent over got ignored and he went a different route which is costing more but at least the IELTS will be done and the TB test, both booked for a couple of weeks time. The wedding is set for end of November but, I can't see things going that quickly. After the tests are done I then have to wait for the application to go in and, again, that will be done on Philippine time! If everything was done straight away then we could be looking at a visa approval by September but, that's my optimism kicking in.

    We've done all we need, the accurate application completed, Jo just needs to fill in some blanks. A huge supply of emails, Skype screen grabs, same for Viber. Pictures of us together, meeting the family and so on, nothing too graphic! All original docs of divorce papers and so on. In short, it shouldn't get rejected but, Jo is panicking about the IELTS. I think he'll do fine, he's generally OK with communication in English, true, he's annoyingly stubborn and won't ask when he doesn't understand something so I am concerned about the listening part but, apart from that, he should be fine.

    All being well, I will fly out to meet him, stay for a week to say goodbye to family and friends then over to Hong Kong for a few days and back to England!

    Did I mention, I have my youngest daughter, her husband and two children living at home?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hi Steve and a warm welcome aboard Filipino UK

    Interesting introduction to say the's the end of a busy day so I'll need to read it again to properly unravel

    I'm guessing you've got a good handle on the needed evidential documentation for the visa application.
    Apart from the mandatory English Test and TB certificate it's largely a matter of meeting the Financial Requirement and meeting the relationship stuff. The rest is all pretty straighforward.
    Shouldn't really need a lawyer unless there are major complications relating to immigrations rules.

    You'll find plenty of useful info here......just search.

    You'll also find a friendly, knowledgeable and good humoured bunch of folks

  3. #3
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    Very interesting life you've had raintrek and good for you

    And here's wishing you successful outcome on your visa application

    And welcome to the forum too


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Steve, just noticed you're in Northampton......I'm also in Northampton (well a stones throw anyway)

  5. #5
    Respected Member
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    hi steve ,been to mindanao several times ,gensan -only overnight stay ,(I visited in February this year, stayed a whole month, as long as my ordinary visa would allow.) -u dont need a visa to stay for a month -u get 30days free on arrival,-need to get 59 day visa in advance if stay longer or extend while there .

  6. #6
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Welcome to the Forum Steve and good luck with your future plans!

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