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Thread: Advice on a developing situation..

  1. #1
    Member davathur's Avatar
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    Advice on a developing situation..

    Hi guys

    Ruth and I are seeking advice on a situation that has arisen, I was called in to a compliance interview concerning my benefits (I have two serious illnesses, stressed based).. I was told I was not allowed to leave the country:

    1. Without declaring it to the relevant dept.

    2. I was not allowed to leave the country for more than 3 weeks without my benefits being cut.

    3. More than 4 weeks and they would *possibly* stop my Benefits.

    We had planned to marry sa Pinas, this summer on July/Aug but this seems near impossible now. Should we get a permanent fiancee visa and marry in Scotland, what other options do we have :/ ?


    David ug Ruth.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by davathur View Post
    Hi guys

    Ruth and I are seeking advice on a situation that has arisen, I was called in to a compliance interview concerning my benefits (I have two serious illnesses, stressed based).. I was told I was not allowed to leave the country:

    1. Without declaring it to the relevant dept.

    2. I was not allowed to leave the country for more than 3 weeks without my benefits being cut.

    3. more than 4 weeks and they would *possibly* stop my benefits.

    We had planned to marry sa Pinas, this summer on July/Aug but this seems near impossible now, should we get a permanent fiancee visa and marry in Scotland, what other options do we have :/ ?


    David ug Ruth.
    Sorry to learn about your health issues. Hope this latest constraint doesn't exacerbate things.

    Despite the restrictions placed upon you all your options are still open and viable IMO

    It's really down to personal choice

    Personally I believe with good planning it's quite possible for you to get married in the Philippines within a 3 weeks time frame. Plenty of folks have done that. Many have done it in less.

    Alternatively the Fiancee visa route is also a viable option. Just a little extra evidential documentation required in terms of relationship and intention to marry etc.
    The Fiancee visa application is principally the same as Spouse Visa. The only real difference to consider is that arrival to UK with Fiancee Visa means no working is allowed until your actually married and the subsequent FLR(M) application has been granted.

    Which is your preferred option?

  3. #3
    Member davathur's Avatar
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    Thank you Terpe for your gracious concern and knowledgeable reply.

    Ruth is asking how long it takes to get a CNI sa pinas, she already has her Cenomar, we got the last time for the visit visa, that didn't happen.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by davathur View Post
    Thank you Terpe for your gracious concern and knowledgeable reply.

    Ruth is asking how long it takes to get a CNI sa pinas, she already has her Cenomar, we got the last time for the visit visa, that didn't happen.
    The CNI saga has changed recently and actually has become a little simpler.

    Take a look here for the details. and then follow the link for MARRIAGE IN THE PHILIPPINES

    Hope that helps

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    I'd strongly advise that you both secure a CENOMAR.
    Although it's not a specific legal requirement for the foreign partner most authorities now request sight of it before accepting application for marriage licence.

    Try to find the latest posts / threads by our forum member Slip as he has just got married in the Philippines within the last couple of days.....he was asked for his CENOMAR.

    Also you'll discover a lot more on how to plan for trouble-free wedding

    Don't be shy to ask anything plenty of experienced folks here happy to share info

  6. #6
    Member davathur's Avatar
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    On one side..fiancee visa means we save money, but it is also a harder visa (I seen a girl say she wished she had gone the married visa route) fiancee visa means it is easier on me for travelling because I wouldn't have 60 hours in 3 weeks..marriage visa and our wedding is fun and possibly an easier visa..but means Ruth and I are apart for a long time, costs will be high, that's flights and a wedding, even though we have saved most of the wedding fund already (only the rings are left to get) already, we were relying on my ability to provide while we were in the Philippines, and two months of being able to recover financially, is cut to 3 weeks.

    And we *have* to get everything tight with timings..neither ruth or I are *too* organised..Ruth is a bit more so than myself.

  7. #7
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Not being rude, but if things are that tight financially then how do you plan on supporting your future wife when she gets here

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Not being rude, but if things are that tight financially then how do you plan on supporting your future wife when she gets here
    Maybe she will want to work , but applying for a fiancée visa means that she probably couldn't work in the UK until she has FLR and that could take up to 6 months or even longer, getting married in the Phils would mean she could work in the UK as soon as she has a National Insurance number.

  9. #9
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Maybe she will want to work , but applying for a fiancée visa means that she probably couldn't work in the UK until she has FLR and that could take up to 6 months or even longer, getting married in the Phils would mean she could work in the UK as soon as she has a National Insurance number.

  10. #10
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    Personally I'd go the 'married' route if strapped for cash.

    If you're as tight as I was, can also be accomplished for a very few quid. Priorities ?

  11. #11
    Member davathur's Avatar
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    Thank you so much guys..Ruth and I have been discussing our options all day.

    She wants it, my brother also advised that I should 'go for it' and all your sage advice here too.

    Looks like we are going ahead with the wedding in the Philippines.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davathur View Post
    Thank you so much guys..Ruth and I have been discussing our options all day.

    She wants it, my brother also advised that I should 'go for it' and all your sage advice here too.

    Looks like we are going ahead with the wedding in the Philippines.
    If your budget is tight get married in the Philippines (Civil Wedding) it will only cost a few pounds, good luck!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by davathur View Post
    Thank you so much guys..Ruth and I have been discussing our options all day.

    She wants it, my brother also advised that I should 'go for it' and all your sage advice here too.

    Looks like we are going ahead with the wedding in the Philippines.
    Do take time to search here in the forum.
    As I mentioned before we have had a few weddings recently with Slip being our very latest and I think the first under the new Embassy Afidavit system (new CNI procedure)
    Look for his threads/posts.

    You need to be organised and plan ahead. Your g/f financee can do a number of things before you arrive to smooth the way.

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