Hello Sir Terpe. He, my bf, will shoulder all the expenses including the airfare. I will be staying in his house anyway. But yes I forgot to mention that I submitted a parent consent stated they met my bf and allowed me to visit my bf in uk and there waiting me here in Philippines. And invitation letter of my sponsor explaining everything why his inviting me to visit and that is to meet his family and friends and going around throughout the uk. He stated also in his invitation letter that he will return back with me to the Philippines to combine my father's and his birthday on the same month with us.
And yes I submitted his bank statement for the last 6 months.
My first application was refused because of I didn't show to them that I have a family here in Philippines, I submitted a certification of employment but no reference that they granted me to leave,didn't show that how and how much my salary every month im single but I didn't show bank statement of savings coz I thought its not needed since I have a sponsor.

So for this second application I submitted all documents that I didn't showed them before.