Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
Really Brian, as kids we never kicked a ball about outside, we used to play Cowboys and Indians using our fingers as guns also played snobs and with cigarette cards to see who could flick them the furthest, sometimes we would build a little cart with an old pram and a tea chest and pull each other along on it, in the summer if the weather was nice we would get a jam jar and a fishing net and go miles along the canal catching Sticklebacks minnows and catfish. No Football at all, remember the nation was recovering from the second world war and there was no money about and Christmas we were very lucky if we got a wind up toy, it was an apple, an orange, nuts and a Rupert book or Beano annual!
It#s still amazing tho Michael, as a kid in the 60s we played Cowboys and Indians, etc but nearly every lad kicked a football about - the dads used to join in much to the annoyance of the odd car that would come up the road.

Then there is TV, all the games even pre-Sky, FA Cup Finals, World Cups etc. It's so hard to imagine you never played or even caught sight of a game.

Even as a man say in his 30s/40s have you never been at a mate's house, or in a pub where games are being shown?

It's quite interesting that you have managed to avoid all forms of the sport in a predominately footballing nation.

I'm going to take some great pics of the Happiest place to live on Saturday and prove to Joe it's full of younger people too