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Thread: Urgent Advice Needed...Family visit Visa

  1. #1
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    Urgent Advice Needed...Family visit Visa

    Hi To All,

    My mother and daughter applied for a family visit visa last March 04, 2014 for a visit during Philippine school holidays.Today, we have received one email from the Manila FCO saying your visa is ready for despatched and 2 emails (one for my mum and one for my daughter) from VFS Manila saying your documents are ready for collection.My question is... as we only have one email from the British consul about the visa being despatched is that mean only one of them got the visa?The email we received from the embassy do not address if it is for my mum or daughter. MY mum told me that they only have one receipt for collection so she assume that the email is for both of them.

    As it is independence day tomorrow in the P.I. it seems like a long wait for us...

    I like to ask as well if someone's child in this forum have been granted a family visit visa during Philippine School term?Can you please let me know how many days can they be excused off school.Does the U.K or P.I. immigration needs a letter from school that they are allowing the child to miss school?Or as long as they have a visa that is all that matters.
    Please give me an advice on this as I really wanted to see my daughter.

    Thank you All for your Help...It is very much appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Child Visit Visa During Philippine School Term

    I have asked this same question on my last post but at this time I am so excited and worried at the same time.
    Even though I am not sure yet If my daughter's visa is been granted I cannot help but ask for an advice about her circumstances.

    When we appllied for her visa 3 months ago it is meant for April-May, during Philippine School Holidays.As it has taken 13 weeks for the British Consul to processed her visa I am now left with so many questions in my mind.I have given up hope that she will get a family visit visa as school starts last week in the Philippines.Now,it seems that she have it but I don't know what to do and deal with it?

    Anyone who has been on the same situation?Please I need your advice on this.

    Thank you very much for all your help

  3. #3
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that you missed her holidays, is there any chance you can make another arrangement before her 'visa' expires?

  4. #4
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    If your daughter's visa has been approved, I think you just need to inform her school about the travel plans. I don't think immigration in Philippines and UK would be asking for that (a letter or promisory note). The visa is all that matters. But no harm done in case you ask one from her school. I'm not sure how many days your daughter can be off from school. You need to talk to her teachers about that.
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  5. #5
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    I just merged your 2 threads.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  6. #6
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    For me, sister and daughter who recently had their holiday here in the UK, I received only one email from Manilahub saying that the visas had been dispatched etc.

    Wait till you have documents in your hand.

    My daughter's visa was granted a month before the school starts in the PI so it wasn't a problem at all. I would suggest you ask your mum to inform the school about the travel plans like what Rayna said. How many weeks she will be off, purpose of travel and if you could retain a written letter from school about them agreeing the student to be off for certain days/weeks.

    Upon the immigration, they will ask any sort of q's so let your mum have all the documents that VFS returned to you, at least she then has all the docus on hand in case they want to see proof.

    Goodluck! Hope they both have visas stamped.

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