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Thread: Leaving for good

  1. #31
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    This is it Jake, we are all different, we have no children just each other so our lives will be so different to others who have children.

    I am hoping the money we have by the tiime we do make that move will be enough to support the both of us for what we want to do and for where we want to live too.

    But who knows what may happen in the coming years, so for now work and save

  2. #32
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    My plan is to be there within the next 5 years, by which time we'll have 5 year old daughter and my priorities will have changed somewhat
    So top priority will be a decent education for our daughter..... £2000 a year?

    Nice or rent?
    Decent car......very expensive there, I know.

    So ........ allow for £25K a year?

  3. #33
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    WOW, 25K A YEAR,

    What I am thinking is a lot less, but not including housing/rent or buy.

    The figure I am giving myself is 6k a year, or even less

  4. #34
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    This is it Jake, we are all different, we have no children just each other so our life will be so different to others who have children.

    I am hoping the money we have by the tiime we do make that move will be enough to support the both of us for what we want to do and for where we want to live too.

    But who knows what may happen in the coming years, so for now work and save
    From what you have already told us the monies you have saved should be more than enough. That's unless you decide to do something daft, like build a 20 million peso mansion It does happen more often than you may think!

  5. #35
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    My plan is to be there within the next 5 years, by which time we'll have 5 year old daughter and my priorities will have changed somewhat

    So top priority will be a decent education for our daughter..... £2000 a year?

    Nice or rent?
    Decent car......very expensive there, I know.

    So ........ allow for £25K a year?
    When is your partner due to give birth? Greatest feeling in the world

    Living in the Philippines has allowed me to spend a lot of time with the kids. Spending time with them is the greatest gift you can give and get in my opinion.

    Your daughter will get a decent elementary and high school education for 2,000. University fees are a completely different ball game, as it depends on the place and whether or not they are living away from home.

    Once you are settled I would definitely buy a house, as a decent pad will cost you quite a bit per month.

    We have 3 cars

  6. #36
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Thats being built right now by the silly buggers , they just have to get another mug , sorry person, to pay for it
    Plenty of half built houses here in the Philippines . I hope it somehow gets completed for your father in law's sake.

  7. #37
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    Very interesting thread and useful posts.

    Glad to report nothing has emerged so far to delay or halt my plan to relocate.

    Over the past few years we have concentrated on establishing a Philippine based income stream to cover as much of the daily living costs as we can.
    We've also been fortunate enough to have self-remitted cash savings as and when a good RoE came along.

    We're both happy to live a fairly simple life, although we do hope to travel extensively.
    Finances has always been the major challenge in terms of minimising the impacts of RoE's
    Not much I can do about my UK sourced pensions so we'll just have to take those ups and downs on the chin.
    My wife has some ideas for small business developments to keep herself busy and hopefully to generate cash.

    The health issues are of course very important.....we've discussed this so many times.
    On a personal level I've happily accepted that once I'm in the Philippines I'm staying.
    On that, I've also made sure that when I'm gone my wife will have sufficient income to maintain not just her independence but also a comfortable life.

    I've been driven by a strategy to move whilst I'm still fit and healthy enough to make the most of time.

    I've got no family, no properties and no ties in UK
    I've got plenty of family, a number of properties and some strong ties with Philippines.

  8. #38
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    When is your partner due to give birth? Greatest feeling in the world
    Living in the Philippines has allowed me to spend a lot of time with the kids. Spending time with them is the greatest gift you can give and get in my opinion.

    Your daughter will get a decent elementary and high school education for 2,000. University fees are a completely different ball game, as it depends on the place and whether or not they are living away from home.

    Once you are settled i would definitely buy a house, as a decent pad will cost you quite a bit per month.

    We have 3 cars
    Hi Jake,

    She's due on the 27th of this month, but I've told her that she's arriving on the 20th at 1.30pm Back home on Saturday, pub with new born on Sunday, back to work Monday

    Was looking at settling in Palawan, but this apparently is too far from Shey's family Damn site closer than London, but that's different in her eyes

    So, ideally will be looking at somewhere close, if not on the beach with 2 hours of Tarlac (I think this will be another thread). I drive a Range Rover here and would like something similar there but from what little research I've done it's looking unlikely so maybe something like a Landcruiser.

  9. #39
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Was looking at settling in Palawan, but this apparently is too far from Shey's family Damn site closer than London, but that's different in her eyes
    Snap, thats what Ems says when I mention Bohol, just 1 hour by plane from the family

  10. #40
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    I am thinking of having no business whereever i move to, I want to just enjoy where I am and enjoy what I would like to do too. Yes I must think of Ems too.

    Ems keeps on about a sari store but to me its a waste of money. You are not going to make money on that I think, only lose it.

    Yes if you have thousands that you could lose well then invest in apartments rental, but again I cannot afford to lose that amount, so with what I have here and what will be coming into our bank account each month, I think I am safer doing it that way until someone or something can say do it this way its better.

  11. #41
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    If having a Sari Sari store will make Ems happy, then no harm in having a go, I'd say.

    Outlay (and potential losses) would be pretty small, but at least she will have had a go...and why shouldn't she make a success of it ?

  12. #42
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    You are right Graham, with her smile and pay me later, she will be so busy. But hey, like you say its cheap and if its making her happy then we are both happy

  13. #43
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Hi Jake,

    She's due on the 27th of this month, but I've told her that she's arriving on the 20th at 1.30pm Back home on Saturday, pub with new born on Sunday, back to work Monday

    Was looking at settling in Palawan, but this apparently is too far from Shey's family Damn site closer than London, but that's different in her eyes

    So, ideally will be looking at somewhere close, if not on the beach with 2 hours of Tarlac (I think this will be another thread). I drive a Range Rover here and would like something similar there but from what little research I've done it's looking unlikely so maybe something like a Landcruiser.
    Not long

    Beautiful place Palawan, however it might not be the best place for your daughter to receive a decent eduction.

    Great for the beach but not very practical!


  14. #44
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Decent car......very expensive there, I know.
    Simon..From what I can see,that may be a bit myth based.. We just bought a new motor for our business for around 600K... In Aussie,the same vehicle cost 20,000 Dollars.. Nearly 900K!
    Well worth checking the prices of vehicles you like online and then checking for price comparison..
    You might be surprised..
    My step father had a look at at a few SUV`s and pickups here and says they are far cheaper than the UK.

  15. #45
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    It's a fact that vehicles are usually priced according to the market and what it can bear.

    It's the secondhand vehicles in the Phils that are expensive compared with here.

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