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Thread: Leaving for good

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  1. #1
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Great thread Steve

    This has to be the million pound question for a lot of members on here.

    Do we scrimp and save here to eventually retire in the Philippines?

    Do we cut all ties with the UK?.......... Easier for me as I have a very small family, but lots of friends I would miss.

    When do we retire 40,50,60,70? The longer we leave it the shorter time we have left to enjoy ourselves and reap the rewards of the hard work we've done here to be able to afford to up sticks.

    How much do we need?............ This is my major question as I like my creature comforts (take that as I'm not from Yorkshire )

    Then we get onto questions like healthcare etc

    Fred, I'd love to hear more of your exploits. I didn't realise you moved at 44, I'll be 47 this year and am thinking of moving within the next 5 years.

  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Great thread Steve

    This has to be the million pound question for a lot of members on here.

    Do we scrimp and save here to eventually retire in the Philippines?

    Do we cut all ties with the UK? ......... Easier for me as I have a very small family, but lots of friends I would miss.

    When do we retire 40,50,60,70? The longer we leave it the shorter time we have left to enjoy ourselves and reap the rewards of the hard work we've done here to be able to afford to up sticks.

    How much do we need? ........... This is my major question as I like my creature comforts (take that as I'm not from Yorkshire )

    Then we get onto questions like healthcare etc

    Fred, I'd love to hear more of your exploits. I didn't realise you moved at 44, I'll be 47 this year and am thinking of moving within the next 5 years

    We planned, saved and built a business nr Manila whilst based and working in the U.K...We got lucky and it clicked...

    Sold everything we had and cracked open a bottle of champers on the way to Heathrow..

    Never looked back.

    Thats about it!

  3. #3
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post

    We planned, saved and built a business nr Manila whilst based and working in the U.K...We got lucky and it clicked...

    Sold everything we had and cracked open a bottle of champers on the way to Heathrow..

    Never looked back.

    Thats about it!

    Nice to read a success story Fred

    Glad things are going to plan

  4. #4
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Do we scrimp and save here to eventually retire in the Philippines?

    Do we cut all ties with the UK? ......... Easier for me as I have a very small family, but lots of friends I would miss.

    When do we retire 40,50,60,70? The longer we leave it the shorter time we have left to enjoy ourselves and reap the rewards of the hard work we've done here to be able to afford to up sticks.

    How much do we need? ........... This is my major question as I like my creature comforts (take that as I'm not from Yorkshire )

    Then we get onto questions like healthcare etc

    Thanks Simon ,

    Lots of questions there too. Well, to answer a few from me

    Saving very hard but still enjoying life here

    A very very large family but they all know my plans,

    As soon as I think I have enough cash but no later then the age of 60, no matter what

    Healthcare. Well a mine field for many, but for me, anything other then major things I shall just have to have enough to pay for things. Surely with the sun on my face, warmth through my bones and the right food and love I may be more healthy, but who knows. But it will not stop me living the dream

  5. #5
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Thanks Simon

    Lots of questions there too. Well to answer a few from me

    Saving very hard but still enjoying life here

    A very very large family but they all know my plans,

    As soon as i think i have enough cash but no later then the age of 60, no matter what

    Healthcare. Well a mine field for many, but for me, anything other then major things I shall just have to have enough to pay for things. Surely with the sun on my face, warmth through my bones and the right food and love I may be more healthy, but who knows. But it will not stop me living the dream
    You won't have any problems regarding money Steve, you just make sure you stay healthy, regular check ups etc. Things like that are very cheap in Philipinnes!

  6. #6
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Great thread Steve

    This has to be the million pound question for a lot of members on here.

    Do we scrimp and save here to eventually retire in the Philippines?

    Do we cut all ties with the UK?.......... Easier for me as I have a very small family, but lots of friends I would miss.

    When do we retire 40,50,60,70? The longer we leave it the shorter time we have left to enjoy ourselves and reap the rewards of the hard work we've done here to be able to afford to up sticks.

    How much do we need?............ This is my major question as I like my creature comforts (take that as I'm not from Yorkshire )

    Then we get onto questions like healthcare etc
    There are a lot of new threads in that post Simon

    We came to live in the Philippines when i was 31. I have never regretted that decision even though the first few years were difficult financially.

    The cost of living in the Philippines does vary with the type of lifestyle you want. If you like your creature comforts, have kids in school or college and take medication it isn't going to be any cheaper than the UK.

  7. #7
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    The cost of living in the Philippines does vary with the type of lifestyle you want. If you like your creature comforts, have kids in school or college and take medication it isn't going to be any cheaper than the UK.
    live with in your means is the answer

  8. #8
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    live with in your means is the answer
    To a point Steve.
    I wouldn't send my kids to a public school and now they are in university it costs a few thousand pounds per year.
    Last edited by jake; 14th June 2014 at 08:28. Reason: bad spelling!

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