Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
My plan is to be there within the next 5 years, by which time we'll have 5 year old daughter and my priorities will have changed somewhat

So top priority will be a decent education for our daughter..... £2000 a year?

Nice house.....buy or rent?
Decent car......very expensive there, I know.

So ........ allow for £25K a year?
When is your partner due to give birth? Greatest feeling in the world

Living in the Philippines has allowed me to spend a lot of time with the kids. Spending time with them is the greatest gift you can give and get in my opinion.

Your daughter will get a decent elementary and high school education for 2,000. University fees are a completely different ball game, as it depends on the place and whether or not they are living away from home.

Once you are settled I would definitely buy a house, as a decent pad will cost you quite a bit per month.

We have 3 cars