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Thread: Baby-to-be, advice welcome!

  1. #1
    Member jimbo23232's Avatar
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    Baby-to-be, advice welcome!

    Hi all, flicking through this forum as I often do, and am filled with happiness for those who recently posted that their visa has arrived -congratulations!

    My own story is currently at the point of wanting to rip my hair out with frustration at the system, but hey what can I do other than wait - just awaiting processing/decision now.

    My query is for anyone who may have experience of this, we are getting to the stage where if the visa is not approved soon my wife will be too pregnant to fly to the UK and we will have to make a plan to have our first baby born in the Philippines.

    Has anyone encountered the process of registering birth/etc, and what specific requirements would there be to enable my freshly born son to come back to the UK with us once the visa does come through? What implications might there be on citizenship?

    Is it going to be an issue that of course when the original app was made we did not have any children but potentially by the time the visa is granted we will? The additional income requirement is not a problem.

    After what seems like thousands of hurdles I just know there will be more processes and bills and would rather be forewarned if anyone can advise from experience?

    Many thanks


  2. #2
    Trusted Member
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    As long as you register the birth with the British Embassy in Manila...(then apply for a British passport for the baby)...shouldn't be any future problems.

    There are plenty of instances where members have done this. A quick search should bring up the info' you have a look on the FCO site.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Marikina City
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    Hi Jimbo,

    Take a look at these 2 forum threads. Hopefully between them they contain all the info you need:-

    Overseas British Passport Application (Child) & Spouse Visa

    How do I apply my child for British citizenship

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