Quote Originally Posted by jasper999 View Post
Thanks for moving the post and for your answers.

That makes sense and I will follow that advice.

Currently, Jen has one of the MRP Maroon passports, which as I understand it, will no longer be valid after October 2015. So we will just exchange the old passport for an e-passport, next year, after securing the FLR(M) visa.

Would you suggest using the married or maiden name for the purpose of registering with the council, utility companies , and applying for the FLR(M) ? Or doesn't it make much difference since the marriage certificate will also accompany the visa application?
When is her passport gonna expire? (that MRP maroon you are talking about) I have the same one but the validity of the passport is until 2016.

I used my married name straight away after the marriage in council/utility/TV license registration. When I applied for FLR(M) all the documents addressed to me that I submitted were in my married name. I even used my married name in filling the application form except in one section that needing my details that appears in my passport (still in my maiden name until now).

I did not bother to change my name on my passport after my FLR(M) as it is still valid until 2016...but I will soon before I will apply for my citizenship next year.