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Thread: Spouse Visa - living arrangements

  1. #1
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    Spouse Visa - living arrangements

    Hi gang,

    Hope you're all well.

    Ed here again, been away for a couple of weeks from the forum, and now I'm back online.

    Myself and my girlfriend are looking to get married in Feb 2015, and I would like her to be across asap after the wedding.

    I have been going thru the requirements for Spouse Visa and it requires you to have a place to yourselves, i.e. not share with anyone else.

    Does this rule apply for just when you submit the visa application?


    Does this apply until Levin hopefully turns resident of the UK?

    We want to buy a house once Leivin gets settled with a job, and the ideal plan would be to have a tenant staying with us, to help contribute to the mortgage.

    Thanks in advance gang,


  2. #2
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    You will both need what is deemed suitable accommodation (as described on the visa application form/guide) in advance of your future wife joining you here...with proof.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    When I was living in Philipinnes and we were applying for Spouse visa, I looked on internet for a property to rent then paid a deposit and six months' rent in advance. They emailed the contract and that was the proof of accommodation required by Embassy!

  4. #4
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    That's the beauty of the internet now, eh.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddiek View Post
    .....I have been going thru the requirements for Spouse Visa and it requires you to have a place to yourselves, i.e. not share with anyone else.

    Does this rule apply for just when you submit the visa application?


    Does this apply until Levin hopefully turns resident of the UK?....
    Hi Ed, usually the accommodation side isn't an issue.

    There's certainly no requirement to 'have a place to yourselves'
    The only stipulation is that the couple have a bedroom for their exclusive use.

    Here's what UKVI state:-

    If the accommodation is not owned by the couple (or one of them), the Rules require that there be adequate accommodation which is for their exclusive use. This need not be as elaborate as a self-contained flat. It is acceptable for a couple to live in an existing household, for example, that of a parent, uncle, aunt, sibling or friend, as long as they have at least a bedroom for their exclusive use.
    May I suggest you take some time to read the UKVI guidance here on Maintenance and accommodation

    Carefully review the following specific requirements:-

    - MAA6 (Accommodation: general requirements)
    - MAA9 (Assessing adequate accommodation)
    - MAA10 (Legally owned or exclusively occupied)
    - MAA11 (Adequacy of accommodation)
    - MAA12 (Overcrowding)

    That should give a good basic understanding to accommodation issues and answer most of your questions

  6. #6
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    To be honest, I saw some conflicting requirements in the UKVI literature.

    One paragraph stipulates that the couple must live in a property which is exclusively inhabited by them. The next paragraph then goes on to cover those living in shared accommodation!?

    This for me was conflicting..for this reason, I am 98% sure I will move out of my current shared accommodation (i.e. house share with 2 others in a 3 bed house), and rent a 1 or 2 bed apartment for ourselves, and sign for a min. of 6 months as outlined in the literature..

    Just to confirm, the room I rent in my current property is large enough for 1 person, but meets the criteria outlined in the 'shared accommodation' section of the website.

    Honesty, it's so conflicting, I don't want to risk it, and I'm fully prepared to rent a 1/2 bed apartment for us..

    @Terpe: Since you clearly know your stuff on this topic, could you possibly shine some light on those conflicting statements found on the UKVI website/

    This is the room I currently rent:

    I currently live with 2 other (3 tennants in total) here:

    Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Hi Ed, usually the accommodation side isn't an issue.

    There's certainly no requirement to 'have a place to yourselves'
    The only stipulation is that the couple have a bedroom for their exclusive use.

    Here's what UKVI state:-

    May I suggest you take some time to read the UKVI guidance here on Maintenance and accommodation

    Carefully review the following specific requirements:-

    - MAA6 (Accommodation: general requirements)
    - MAA9 (Assessing adequate accommodation)
    - MAA10 (Legally owned or exclusively occupied)
    - MAA11 (Adequacy of accommodation)
    - MAA12 (Overcrowding)

    That should give a good basic understanding to accommodation issues and answer most of your questions

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