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Thread: Spouse Visa - couple of questions

  1. #1
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    Spouse Visa - couple of questions

    Hi gang,

    Hope you're all well, and enjoying the wonderful weather we've been having lately.

    Myself and Levin are planning on getting married in Feb next year.

    I just have a couple of questions about the spouse visa:

    1. Does Levin submit the application or do I? (I assume it's Levin does all of it?)

    2. Levin is currently in Manila, and I'm here in London, and it will stay this way until Levin gets across. If we are called for interview during the spouse visa application process, will I be expected to travel to Manila, or will we be interviewed separately (Me in London, and Levin in Manila?)

    3. Since we are in different countries, would it be ok for Levin to submit her bit of the application, and for me to submit my side, with references from my friends, family etc, or must everything come from Levin?

    Thanks very much for the help guys,


  2. #2
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    Levin is applying for the visa...not you.

    You are her sponsor.

    I don't think they interview you these days anyway. Maybe somebody can correct me on that.

  3. #3
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    Thanks chief, I get away with all that paperwork then, delighted haha!

    thanks Graham.

    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Levin is applying for the visa...not you.

    You are her sponsor.

    I don't think they interview you these days anyway. Maybe somebody can correct me on that.

  4. #4
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    Hi Mr. Eddiek,

    1. Levin will have to submit all the required supporting documents which will be coming from you and herself. So you will have to send her some bits of paper works like your letter of employment, payslips, proof of accommodation, etc. She will need to gather ALL the necessary docs, then proceed to online application, pay visa application online, book for appointment online as well and then lastly, lodge her application.

    2. Like Mr. Grahamw48 said its rarely that they will make an interview these days but if they do it's via phone.

    3. Levin is the applicant so you need to do only one application. Levin will do that, you just have to combine your efforts in gathering the docs.

    For sure someone will write on here for more clearer explanation and infos and will correct me if I'm wrong..

    Good luck and God bless

  5. #5
    Respected Member chrisincebu's Avatar
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    We noticed that on the Visa Application website there is an option to 'Apply for someone else'. But we didn't bother, instead i just sat with the missus and helped her fill it out. The new website has improved somewhat since we applied for a tourist visa a few years ago and is easier to navigate through.

    We applied in Cebu last month and there was no interview.

  6. #6
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    Agree, if it's possible, just fill out the form long as the applicant signs it. It's hard enough for a Brit to understand these forms, nevermind someone for whom English is a second language.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddiek View Post
    Hi gang,

    Hope yer all well, and enjoying the wonderful weather we've been having lately.

    myself and levin are planning on getting married in feb next year.

    I just have a couple of questions about the spouse visa:

    1. Does levin submit the application or do I? (I assume it's Levin does all of it?)

    2. Levin is currently in Manila, and Im here in London, and it will stay this way until Levin gets across. If we are called for interview during the spouse visa application process, will I be expected to travel to Manila, or will we be interviewed separately (Me in London, and Levin in Manila?)

    3. Since we are in different countries, would it be ok for Levin to submit her bit of the application, and for me to submit my side, with references from my friends, family etc, or must everything come from Levin?

    Thanks very much for the help guys,

    Ed, as others have said, it's Levin who will submit the application for the visa.

    However, may I very kindly say that this must be a team effort.
    The majority of the application is concerned with the sponsor (that's you) and the financial status of the sponsor.
    Means that you'll need to be right on top of the detailed requirements and the need to provide the mandatory documentary evidence.

    Step-by-step with all the requirements....follow the immigration rules carefully and there'll be no problems.

    Good luck.

  8. #8
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    Thanks for getting back to me guys, much appreciated.

    I am now getting a better grasp of what's involved.

    @Terpe: I will be providing Levin will all those details you referred to concerning proof of employment, etc, etc.

    Thanks again

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