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Thread: filipino food

  1. #1
    Respected Member tomoboyle2000's Avatar
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    filipino food

    Just wondered if anyone know if there is a Filipino restaurant in the Manchester area.......???

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    don't think so, but there are a couple of places in eccles you can buy pinoy food

  3. #3
    Respected Member tomoboyle2000's Avatar
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    thanks joe, do u have the address by any chance?

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you anywhere near diasy hill ? my brother lives there

    hmm, don't know the full addess, but the centre of eccles is only a small place, so the best place to park is to pay a £1 and park at Morrisons supermarket in eccles, there use to be a shop near the library dante's i think its called, run by a nice filipino lady, but shes moved back into the indoor market my wife has told me.
    its only a small place. might be next to the pc stall.
    but there are 2 indoor markets, its the one near peacocks the clothes shop, not the one near the library.

    the other shop sells asian food, but they sell alot of filipino food there, i think the road its on is called church road, if your in morrisons car park, you should be able to the mini bus station, if you walk to there , you should be able to see a cash convertor and next to it a RBS bank, if you walk over to the bank, and up church street, i think next to the bank is a pub, then a clothes shop, if you carry on walking you will come to a church on your right, if you walk past the church, you should come to a small road, with a pub next to it, i think that is church road, turn rgiht and carry on past the pub and you should see a big building infront of you, there should be a sign on the wall saying asian food/filipino/indian..

    anyway if you don't find any of them, might as well take the wife to the trafford centre and treat her there or take her to one of the 100s of pubs that litter the place

  5. #5
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    whoa! seems like someone here deserve to receive another Rep!
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    no, i live near there, i should have rep taken off me for not knowing the names of the streets and i'm at telling people directions... i go to that morrisons every friday .. WALESROB they must be missing you now !!, the only place to BOGOF !!

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