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Thread: Emergency Budget in July

  1. #1
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Emergency Budget in July

    Well here it is, the answers to questions that couldnt be given over the past few months, the self same Austerity cuts could have been made back in April, but the Conservatives chose NOT to do so because it would/could have cost them votes.
    So back in April the Country had a budget that didnt help the Country a great deal, but gave the Conservatives some hope of gaining/losing a few votes, so to hell with whats for the greater good of GB PLc but lets put off the medication thats needed until after the election.
    We live in a Democracy, well we used to until we joined the EU, so i will abide by the decision taken for the next 5 years, but it doesnt mean that i agree with it. I have a feeling some of us are going to be needing it by the time 5 years is up.
    One thing i would like to see brought in, is for people who can work but dont work, besides seeing there Benefits reduced its time they did some sort of Community service/work of 20 Hours per week, if they refuse to do it, then they forfeit any rights to Benefit payments. The people who i feel may be hardest hit are the 1 parent families who want to work but who have NO family support and are unable to rely on family help for childcare whilst they work.

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    well wait and see what happens, like i have said over and over again, save hard, it will only get better once you leave this country

  3. #3
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    My Sister has 5 kids...

    Her Partner walked out on her and she had to give up on work as nobody could look after the kids

    She wants to work, but the government pay her more then any employer would once she pays out for childminders etc... So why would she work... It's the system that is wrong in my eyes.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    My Sister has 5 kids...

    Her Partner walked out on her and she had to give up on work as nobody could look after the kids

    She wants to work, but the government pay her more then any employer would once she pays out for childminders etc... So why would she work... It's the system that is wrong in my eyes.
    Yes, but surely the father of 5 children has a responsibility, he should not be allowed to walk away and financially wash his hands of any responsibility, yes granted your sister is unable to work as being a one parent family is hard work in itself, the problem is the system treats each case the same, whereas each case needs to be based on the individual case/needs concerned. I have little or NO sympathy for someone who walks out, and leaves the Taxpayer to pick up his financial tab, indeed why should we have to.

  5. #5
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    It makes sense to have another budget, other governments have done it as well, did you not see that coming?

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