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Thread: Filipina's What did you think of foreigners before you ended up with one ?

  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Filipina's What did you think of foreigners before you ended up with one ?

    Filipina's at UK Forum, what did you think about Foreigners before you yourself ended up in a relationship with one ?

    We were laughing and talking about smells in the kitchen, but I thought I would broaded the discussion a little into the area of personal hygiene.

    My Gina always told me that she was brought up to think that foreigners actually smell !

    She told me that her and her large group of girlfriends, always said that it would be not a good idea to have a foreigner boyfriend because they smell !
    When I first met my honey in the Philippines, she said, ohhh you smell so nice (no comedians from up North if you please you lot )

    And she was suprised to see that yes I actually did go in the shower room, and that I used it, she commented on my grooming and liked my splash on, or my after shave, (No Keith I dont use Brut 33 or Old Spice)

    I have a number of discussions with some Filipinas near to where our house is in the Phils, they always told me that they thought foreigners smell, we were laughing cos I told them, come on then, Do I smell ?

    They said, no Sir, you smell so good, so I said to them, well that just goes to prove something, that all foreigners do not smell.

    Girls ? do you think foreigners smell ? How did you cope with meeting one for the first time ? were you wondering about it ? what was your thoughts about other matters such as Sexual transmitted disease, my honey asked me about it in e mails...I guess she was just checking hehehehehehe.

    I am sure it went through your minds, you wouldnt be human if it didnt ? did you wonder what he was like...did he wash..did he shower..was he a clean man ? Have you any funny experiences to share with us.

    Girls come on...whats your take on this, did you think all foreigners smell ? be honest about it, and if you did, what were your first thoughts when you met your British BF who is now your fiance or husband ? come on, you live with one you should know how it is....

  2. #2
    Member cryingbaby's Avatar
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    my story...

    to begin with, i didn't actually think that western guys which i mean european/americans stinks!! i would say indians and arabs instead(i dont mean in general but all of them ive encountered before)... but i guess, to anybody, smell is very important..who would want to be with a stinky companions...when i began chattin with my hubby, i relayed indirect messages to him, how i dislike smelly peeps not only guys but also women..i dont want to offend him by telling and askin him directly..i actually have fetish in smells..its just so nice to lean on someone who smells like when i fetch him at the airport, i sniffed him right away..hahaha!!and whispered him... "hmmm you smell nice" i didnt stopped cuddling him while we were in the taxi..
    and speakin about hiv and std!! wooh!!thats scary... we never talked about while we were still chattin but im sure he is clean..when we finally met, then i asked about his sexual history, even asked him if he ever pay for sex..good thing he answered NEVER..coz if he said yes, gosh!!i will run..i think guys who pay for sex are ...sorry to say.. i even brought him to the ktv bar where u can get women to entertain i asked if there were women who do strip dancing..and i asked him if he would wanted to watch strip dancers..he said ok, so we agreed..i did it to see how would he react to such situations, and im surprised he treated women with respect,just by the way he watched them while they were dancin naked.even said, that dancing was a form of art..he is really a perfect gentleman!!after the dancing, i called three women to sit with him and entertain him.. i left for awhile and observed them secretly while i was not around..and he passed my test!!he's not guy who settle for anybody less..he just asked those girls why they have to do that job, so upon hearing each of their stories he gave them a very generous tip..
    Yeah, i was so scared of having relationship with western guys before because we believed that AIDS came from foreigners in most cases..But in reality, u can just get it anywhere..even with filipinos..anybody who is a sex starved and usually dating with prostitutes...there are some who were just infected by their unfaithful partners, and thats the saddest part of the story..when u never did something wrong..
    To all girls and guys, get to know the person ist..dont forget the C..
    To gf/bf, fiance/fiancee, wifey/hubby be FAITHFUL...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Filipina's at UK Forum, what did you think about Foreigners before you yourself ended up in a relationship with one ?
    Girls come on...whats your take on this, did you think all foreigners smell ? be honest about it, and if you did, what were your first thoughts when you met your British BF who is now your fiance or husband ? come on, you live with one you should know how it is....
    Hmmnnn Good topic.

    Smells, smells, well when were chatting online I sometime mentioned to him about how good smell important to me. I mean it doesnt need him to use the expensive perfumes or cologne, just a nice smell, not amoy putok! Im sure Kuya Pete knows what amoy putok means. ( bad odor due to poor hygience). I told him that if he will ask me, what turns me off, I will answer, bad odor put me off. Why? coz, even the person is not pogi or maganda, when you go to bed at night and make love, just switch the light off and you wont see her or his ugly face, but the bad smell can not hide, wether you turn the light off or on. But Im glad that when we first met I was not disappointed, even though he`s been from a long journey to think that from Heathrow via Bahrain, it was such a long journey, but when he hugs me for the first time, he smells lovely.
    About smelly foreigners, I have experience when I was a student, theres one foreigner, ( not to mention the nationality do not want to offend anybody) who gets into the passenger jeep then he sat next to me, and my oh my I cant stand the smell, amoy putok super bad odor feels like Im gonna threw up So I just get off that jeep and finally relieve.
    Yes, some people thought that some foreigners are smelly, but of course not all. It is so sad that some people do not care about the importance of good hygience. I feel so sorry to those women who have smelly hubby/bf or fiance, I just cant imagine how she cope to make love with him. She then tell him and help him to have a bath everyday and tell him not to eat food that cause bad odor such as garlic, onions and some curries/spicies. Give him a cologne or perfume will do the trick.

  4. #4
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    I was really laughing when i read this thread..Hygiene is really important to everybody no matter what race or culture uve belong..

    I guess since the Indians and Arabs are always seen here in the Philippines,and we can easily get a chance to get close to them and oh smell them..and since they are a foreigner we tend to generalize that all foreigners have different smells..he he he

    and oh yes, who really wanted to be with somebody with a smell whether he is a filipino or a foreigner?its a nice feeling when ure with someone u love who smells nice and looks handsome..

    but to be honest smell is not that the main issue with me when I am thinking of a foreigner..Its their attitudes,their behavior..It was thought in school that most of the foreigners are liberated,do not show respects with parents and elders, dont value family and marriage because they can easily get divorce and they always wanted to have SEX..sorry guys but this is what I knew before I met my fiance.
    The first weeks and months I am chatting with my fiance, we will friends first by then I am observing him if he will discuss something about SEX and luckily through out our conversation he never said anything about it, so he got 1000 pogi points..
    Then,I got a chance to get to know him better, I knew how much he loved his dad and how much he cared for him, so another 1000 pogi points..and he had lot of other qualities that helped me change my impression to a foreigner.. and of course thats why I love him very much..

    My fiance made me realized that not all foreigners are the same, it's still depends on how they are brought up but still I will not change my impression on Indians and Arab, they smell stinks really I guess its because of their food intake since they like spicy foods and hygiene because even its hot here they always wear long sleeves..pls dont get me wrong I have nothing against them because they are friendly too..

  5. #5
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    No comment for the meantime i'm gonna copy paste this link to my beb

  6. #6
    Respected Member Tiggers0608's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Filipina's at UK Forum, what did you think about Foreigners before you yourself ended up in a relationship with one ?

    Girls ? do you think foreigners smell ? How did you cope with meeting one for the first time ? were you wondering about it ? what was your thoughts about other matters such as Sexual transmitted disease.

    I am sure it went through your minds, you wouldnt be human if it didnt ? did you wonder what he was like...did he wash..did he shower..was he a clean man ? Have you any funny experiences to share with us.

    Girls come on...whats your take on this, did you think all foreigners smell ? be honest about it, and if you did, what were your first thoughts when you met your British BF who is now your fiance or husband ? come on, you live with one you should know how it is....
    To be honest YES most of us filipina's thinks foreigners do smell, but we do all know that we're not just talking about foreigners in general being smelly is a personal thing, some of the girls here are right only those who we met and encountered are the ones we considered smelly hehehehe weither its in the bookstore, on the streets, or anywhere and in the plane (OMG no way will i sit next to a xxxxxx again, sorry can't say the nationality hehehe, coz she smells!) Let's not judge them by their nationality.

    Being smelly is like a personal hygiene it doesn't mean like all the filipina girls smells good bcoz we/your gf/your wife smells good hehehehe Unfortunately of course some do smell bad too. very bad.

    I'm just greatful and so lucky that my husband smells very nice woohoooo 100+ pogi points, plus the sweetness, being thoughtful, very loving, sooo caring and super gwapo thats really a huge bonus from god all in all.

    Of course filipina girls are scared of STD especially the ones who are not sexually active we're definitely scared of sexual diseases. but we don't really ask that or do we??? coz we're very polite hehehe and its really a personal question, i guess its part of the conversation that we do with our love ones (asking it in a different way daming pasikot-sikot)

    well everyone has their one story and opinion on things so lets hear everyone.

  7. #7
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    i think guys who pay for sex are ...sorry to say.. i even brought him to the ktv bar where u can get women to entertain i asked if there were women who do strip dancing..and i asked him if he would wanted to watch strip dancers..he said ok, so we agreed..i did it to see how would he react to such situations, and im surprised he treated women with respect,just by the way he watched them while they were dancin naked.even said, that dancing was a form of art..he is really a perfect gentleman!!after the dancing, i called three women to sit with him and entertain him.. i left for awhile and observed them secretly while i was not around..and he passed my test!!he's not guy who settle for anybody less..he just asked those girls why they have to do that job, so upon hearing each of their stories he gave them a very generous tip..

    lol you took your bf to a ktv bar!
    hmmmmm i wonder if my gf will do that for me,i guess i already know the answer.

  8. #8
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    I am not a Filipina who ended up with a foreign husband but I would like to lay down my insights also regarding this...

    Yes, my first impression with foreign guys are really different.

    I remember, when I had my house hunting, the agent and I went inside an apartment. It was not vacated yet by the tenant that time and omigosh , so disgusting!!! An indian was currently occupying the apartment that time... When the agent walked me thru the area, I couldnt really bear the smell. We checked the bathroom, the underwear was on the floor. When we checked out the bedroom, it was a complete mess... The whole flat was but so smelly, like showered by perfume squeezed from 100 Kilos of Onions... No offense or I hope I don't sound like am a racist but we're talking here of smell and they really are the top notchers...

    I have encoutered Irish and Brits as well who are really smelly. I remember, last Summer, they easily perspire, they open the fan and aircon and you know what, it was completely a disaster. I wasnt able to work that week because I had terrible headache ... Thanks God, I am now already immune...So am thankful that it's cold again, they will no longer perspire...Unless they wont think of taking a bath because it's already cold...

    But, in fairness to some I have met, they are really neat and they smell really nice... Everytime they pass by me, the good scent is still there and it is really a turn on and it offsets the bad experiences I had before and the notion that foreigners smell bad...

    There really are some who are neat and have good hygiene. So the distribution is normal and 50-50. hehehe...

  9. #9
    Respected Member cinmickey28's Avatar
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    Once upon my life. I just never entertained the possibility of getting involved with a foreigner ---- much less envisioned it would happen to me.

    One of the biggest reasons why I shunned the idea of Filipina – Foreigner relationships was:
    I am a bit sensitive and don’t know how to handle the usual impression or public perception or even stigma attached to exotic Filipinas involved with foreign men that Filipinas involved with or marrying foreigners are only after one thing -- greener pastures.
    On the other hand, feedback from friends and even friends experience who married a foreigner and stories from others about some who only come for sex and since many loves to going to bars and clubs too what comes to my mind is, how safe we are with the HIV/STD and of course not to mention that perception that some smells and have poor hygiene. I also think that foreigners are happy go lucky, are not family oriented and don’t value family that much especially that divorce is easily with in reach.
    But when I started communicating with my Darling he proved to me that all those bad perceptions and my fears were wrong and that I don’t have to generalize everybody. For no matter what is your nationality and wherever you are, your character, personality traits and the the way differs one from another.
    We talked about everything but he treated with respect and honour and didn’t force me to do a thing that I wasnt ready. He proved to me how he value a family and how responsible he is. He is not fun of going to clubs and bars too in which I am very happy. He is more respectful too and showed good manners and values to my family, relative, friends and every person we meet than I thought. My perception about bad hygiene was gone too as he smells good all the time. I can say that there is nothing more powerful and sexy than a well-groomed and confident man.
    I found love when I wasn't looking for it showing up in your life when you least expect it, and with someone I never dreamed I'd find it with -- a foreigner. Of course, love didn't happen right then and there but the "connection" was instant.
    This time, I can’t be bothered anymore with those nagging stares judging us while walking on the street. But I am very pround to be with the man I love. He proved to me that his main intention is pure and true. He loves and care for me the way that I do. So, no matter if I had no other reasons for getting involved with him other than that I truly loved him, the world would still choose to believe the worst. I told myself that as long as I'm happy and my conscience is clear, the whole world can believe whatever they want. I couldn't care less.
    I thank God everyday that fate has found a way to bring us together. I also thank him everyday for bringing so much happiness into my life. We are more than four years in our relationship now and love is still going stronger each day.
    A relationship founded in GOD will last forever and will always compromise trust and happiness, as all good thoughts are derived from wisdom and faith,and trust .

  10. #10
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    Many foreigners do smell bad! It always amazed me that when I lived in Thailand, a hot and sweaty country if ever there is one, bad body smells were almost non existent - except from foreign tourists!

    I was on a bus once and a foreign guy next to me smelt really really badly of sweat. I was worried because i was sure the other people on the bus would think it was me - so i made a great show of covering my nose. When the other guy got off, the smell went away, and an old lady next to me laughed with me about it.

    On the other hand, Thailand is a smelly country, and I am sure the Philippines is the same? It is hard in such a hot place to get rid of rotting smells and the smell of sewage from time to time. Mix that with lots of pollution, and I'm not sure I wouldn't prefer sweaty arm pits!


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    I think there is no exception either you are a foreigner or a filipino as long as you take a shower(take a bath) and change your clothes everyday then you will not be smelly... The most important is that each one of us should be particular with personal hygiene....I know that there is no person who would like to sleep with his/her love one who is stinky.... If you smell something bad with your partner why not tell him/her...but don't do that in the public...
    I am so fortunate that my hubby is very particular with personal hygiene, When he stayed here he took a shower 3 times a day and always change his clothes.he does his hair cut every month that is why he looks so nice and clean.

  12. #12
    Respected Member stuartfarm's Avatar
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    Whoa , I never knew that Filipinnos girls worry so much about smell . Just remeber girls that after your Mahal has been on a plane for 14 hours its not easy for him to smell good . You cant even carry can of body spray onto plane now !!!

    Having lived in the UK all my life I can tell you that 99.999% of UK people are very clean and smell good

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    "Having lived in the UK all my life I can tell you that 99.999% of UK people are very clean and smell good"

    Blimey you must have had some experiences doing that survey!!!


  14. #14
    Respected Member Gie's Avatar
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    lolz! my hubby only now know between an innie (you wear inside the house) and an outtie( clothes for going out) lolz!
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  15. #15
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Excellent posts from everyone, I have really enjoyed reading this thread, and it goes to prove that yes

    We are all naturally aware of unpleasant smells

    I dont know about you guys, but speaking from a guys perspective, I love to smell my girls hair !

    I dont know how she manages to do it, but her hair smells lovely, and round her neck, its so nice to nuzzle up and smell her, wow, its sexy dont you think.

    Filipinas i have to say always impressed me as being very clean ladies, and they have always proved that to me, they always look fresh, even my wifes freinds when they come around, they are immaculately dressed, and they smell fresh.

    I think a guy likes to smell that in a girl, but on the reverse side of the coin, the girls want a guy who smells really nice, and to be groomed does take effort.

    The perception that all foreigners smell is one of a typical stereo type, that was put to me when I first was out in Philippines, some years ago, my wife remarked that she was suprised to find just how nice white men smell, her freinds told her "What if he stinks" "Foreigners stink" that is the perception they had based on one or two unsavouring experiences they had.

    When a bad impression is left by some foreigners its hard to break the stereo typical generalization that takes place.

    I am glad that most of the male members on this forum have left you girls with a great impression, because judging by the results of all your kind posts, the rumour is not true.

    Actually all foreigners do not stink ! or smell

    I am really happy to hear this, and it just goes to show that we cannot stereotype people of one race or another.

    Thanks for all your out for my next survey hahah its coming soon.

  16. #16
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    I did probe my Terry during our getting to know often he is taking a bath or shower..even in winter...and i was satisfied with his answer...daily...he smelled very good to me when he visited me in Manila....that gained him points plus many other things...

  17. #17
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I did probe my Terry
    I bet you did
    Keith - Administrator

  18. #18
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    I am interested in the probing business, just exactly who was doing the probing, was it him or you ?

  19. #19
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    why are u so interested in probing? hehe

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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Filipina's at UK Forum, what did you think about Foreigners before you yourself ended up in a relationship with one ?

    I thought foreigners keep on marrying and divorcing their wives or spouses just because of very simple matter one can ever imagine. Also I thought they are very messy and very scruffy, I'm talking about about how they dressed up and I think they really are because I see many around even the younger ones.

    But once they got married to pinay she will then make sure that the husband is well presented and not baduy.

  21. #21
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    I thought foreigners smells like carabao
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ervenescence View Post
    I thought foreigners smells like carabao

  23. #23
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ervenescence View Post
    I thought foreigners smells like carabao
    ...and the girls smell of fish.....especially dried.....
    Keith - Administrator

  24. #24
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    What was this ?

    I thought foreigners smells like carabao
    Why are you picking on the carabao ? thats no way to liken foreigners in your country to the carabao, you are being very unkind to the carabaos.

    Erve, your post is so funny, do you know what we were told about foreigner girls...

    Yes...this time you are the foreigners !

    All of those Filipino girls are money grabbers, gold diggers, and bar girls !


    Now you know....just goes to show, you cant steroe type a race of people..

    Oh I forgot to tell you ...what King Philip of Spain once said:

    "Filipinos a nation of thieves"

    Again, cant stereo type a nation....

    Just goes to show, we must not stereo type, mind due, even my wife said...she was told all foreigners smell.

  25. #25
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    All of those Filipino girls are money grabbers, gold diggers, and bar girls !
    £45,000.......all over 'massage'
    Keith - Administrator

  26. #26
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post

    What was this ?

    Why are you picking on the carabao ? thats no way to liken foreigners in your country to the carabao, you are being very unkind to the carabaos.

    Yeah, I feel sorry for the carabao's. I shouldn't say that because to be fair, their having a nice relaxing bath everyday...LOL
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  27. #27
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    so what do you think of kilts?

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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    so what do you think of kilts?

    I rather not say.............

  29. #29
    Respected Member Tiggers0608's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    so what do you think of kilts?
    gary2jessica you need to make new thread for that

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