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Thread: CFO quick question

  1. #1
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    CFO quick question

    There are two requirements that made me wonder where to download it lol

    1.Duly completed guidance and counseling form
    2. Duly completed emigration registration form

    May I know where I can download it? Or, there are list of downloadable forms on the website but I am unsure which of those are the correct ones

  2. #2
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    Done with the seminar, and got my sticker and certificate. The speaker told me that I have to go to enrollment center in Liverpool to enrol my biometrics.

    Do you have links that may help me to know what are the things that I should do or need to do once I arrive in UK aside from getting married and apply for flr?

  3. #3
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    Here's a quick starter:-

    Register with your local doctor/dentist
    Follow these links:-
    How do I register with a GP?
    How to find an NHS dentist?

    Add your name to your husband's Council Tax Bill (this will provide address ID to open bank account, applying for credt, applying for FLR etc.)

    Add your name to your husband's utility bills (this will provide address ID to open bank account, applying for credt, applying for FLR etc.)

    Get a bank account (probably only a 'basic' bank account as you will have no credit history)

    Consider studying and passing the new Life in UK Test (you need to pass this before applying for ILR). It's always easier to study and pass before while you have time free before you start working.

    A pretty good general website called Just arrived in UK
    If look to the very top LH of the webpage you notice the "Select Language" drop down menu. If you click on that link you'll also see you can select different languages including Filipino

    The very best website for all issues connected with the UK Government Departments etc is here called GOV.UK
    You'll find a complete range of information and services. Very useful.

    You'll need to be familiar with the Provision of UK Health services within the NHS. Their website is here called NHS Choices

    Here's another useful website called Just Landed

    When eligible (after FLR0 apply for a National Insurance Number
    Follow this link called Get a National Insurance number

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jentobeharrison View Post
    Done with the seminar, and got my sticker and certificate. The speaker told me that I have to go to enrollment center in Liverpool to enrol my biometrics...
    Well done on your CFO adventure.

    You'll be making your BRP application as part of the FLR(M) application.
    You can’t apply for a BRP on its own - you can only apply as part of your application for FLR(M) or ILR
    Biometrics will be done at your nearest appropriate Post Office if you apply FLR(M) by post or at a premium service centre if you apply in person.

  5. #5
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Great advice as usual Mr Terpe.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    Hi Terpe, very helpful indeed. However, just wondering if I could do all that whilst I'm still under fiancée visa? Or those will have to be done after our wedding?

    About the biometric in Liverpool, should I go there two days after my arrival? She said it's for me to be counted in the population

  7. #7
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jentobeharrison View Post
    Hi Terpe, very helpful indeed. However, just wondering if I could do all that whilst I'm still under fiancée visa? Or those will have to be done after our wedding?

    About the biometric in Liverpool, should I go there two days after my arrival? She said it's for me to be counted in the population
    You can do them all whilst you're on fiancé visa except for the national insurance registration, you can apply for that by the time you get your FLR approved.

    About that biometrics in Liverpool...that's the first time I've heard about it... As far as I know, you will only have to do the biometrics when you apply for your FLR/ILR.........

  8. #8
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Terpe you are a fount of blessing to many folks here! Thanks
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jentobeharrison View Post
    ...About the biometric in Liverpool, should I go there two days after my arrival? She said it's for me to be counted in the population
    Jen, as I indicated previously you can’t apply for a BRP on its own.

    Here's what UKVI state:-
    You can’t apply for a BRP on its own - you can only apply as part of your application to extend your visa or settle.
    Please do take some time to review the webpage called - Biometric residence permits and follow the appropriate links

    Hope you'll not start a new phase of worrying ...............
    (Joke lang)

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