Today the Wife decided she wanted to open a PNB remittance account and look into the long term about other banking services.

Well we bowled up on the central line to Notting Hill and found this shady looking Doorway with just a sign above it announcing its PNB we buzzed the door then let in eventually up some stairs and went though another buzzer door.

Three cashiers stared up at us or possibly to watch the tv on in the waiting area and carried on the Wife spoke to one and although it was a lot of effort said you need to go to manison house but during the week.

What a carry on so they lost our business thats bank accounts here and in phill, remittance and a mortage.

If the staff are that intrested in TFC instead of offering to help with the paperwork then i doubt they will be much use with anything more technical.

The annoying thing is the Wife was told during the week we could open an account at that branch. So thanks whoever that was for your incorrect info.

Luckily for us we don't live far away and made the most of the rest of the day.