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Thread: The process of naturalisation

  1. #1
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    The process of naturalisation

    Hello Everyone
    Not been around for some time due to "life" I'm afraid, but its all good.

    We just came back from 3 weeks in Manila and were fortunate to take a week in El Nido for some amazing rest and relaxation.

    Now we dont have any travel plans booked I want to get my head around the naturalization process for Rina.

    She will have been in the UK 3 years in August (17th) and what I need to know if someone could assist is:-

    1. How long does the naturalisation process take.
    2. When Rina gets a British passport will it be in married name - her current Filipino is still in maiden name as is ILR
    3. What do we do with Filipino passport - I assume this will expire?

    Not sure what other questions to ask - as yet we have not registered the marriage with NSO via Embassey - is this required first?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hi Tone,
    glad life is good and good to learn you had a nice break over in the paradise islands.

    Concerning your questions on the naturalisation process and timing...that's quite a big ask.

    Simply put, naturalisation entails preparing and submitting the application form AN - Application for naturalisation as a British citizen

    The time it takes for processing is anyones guess quite honestly.... but using your local Nationality Checking Service does appear to provide the fastest time.
    There are also some important advantages of using this Checking Service:-

    - the application is generally processed faster by the Home Office
    - the application is unlikely to be rejected because it is not complete or not correct since the Checking Service Officer will ensure it's completed correctly.
    - you'll be allowed to keep hold of your documents (such as your passport) rather than sending them to the Home Office.

    Statistically you should expect 3 months waiting time. You'll then need to book a time for the Citizenship ceremony where the Naturalisation Certificate will be presented.
    The time this takes really does depend upon you local authority.....completely unpredicatable.
    My wife needed to wait 3 weeks for a slot.

    Once you wife has the certificate she is then eligible to apply for a British passport. As a first time application she will be required to attend an interview before the passport gets issued.
    Just how long this will take given the current Passport Office problems I wouldn't like to guess.

    Anyway eventually she'll receive her British Passport through the letterbox.


    When it comes to names please do read the form AN very carefully.
    The HOme Office state
    The name you give here will be the name shown on your certificate so please ensure it is spelt correctly and you have written it in the correct order
    Generally, the name should be the same as on other official documents. If the name is not the same as the current passport then the form AN requires an explanation to be given as to why.

    Make sure the 'naming' is done correctly. Double check.
    It's not such an easy process to have names subsequently changed on the Naturalisation Certificate and it's even more troublesome to have passport names changed.

    When it comes to her Filipino passport.....well technically and strictly speaking it's no longer valid as she would have lost her Philippines citizenship after the British naturalisation oath taking.
    Means she'll need to follow the procedure for oath taking and reacquisition of Philippine citizenship.
    Thankfully is not complicated, not expensive and not time consuming.
    Take a look at website of The Philippine Embassy in London

    I'd suggest not going through this reacquisition process until she has her British Passport as the Embassy will cancel her existing passport and she'll be asked to apply a new one. (Not mandatory by the way)

    On a solely practical aspect many folks simply continue to use their Filipino Passport without informing the Embassy until it's more convenient.

    It's perfectly acceptable to travel to Philippines and enter using her British passport together with her Naturalisation Certificate. If your travelling together you'll both still receive that 1 year visa free Balikbayan Stamp.

  3. #3
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Hi Peter

    as ever thank you for your time in replying - that's certainly not a small block of text!!

    I know we don't live far apart (14 miles odd) so would be good to meet up so I can buy you a couple of beers!

    I'll start reading through it now!


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