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Thread: Damaged Passport

  1. #1
    Member mesmo's Avatar
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    Damaged Passport

    In trying to put Merlyn's passport into a leather cover it required to open the passport like the closed wings of a butterfly to make insertion easier.

    Now a few days later the pages of the passport have come away from the passport cover itself

    I was tempted to put a thin line of superglue down the centre line of the cover and try and stick it back in again BUT am reluctant on the basis that I really dont want it to look like the passport has been tampered with

    Our only way forward at the moment, as I see it is to get a replacement from the Philippines Embassy in London but again this original contains her recently acquired fiancee visa, and CFO sticker

    We need the passport to be able to go on honeymoon in September immediately after our wedding and it will still be in her current surname therefore we will have to replace it again when we come back once we can send it off with the marriage certificate

    Any advice anyone?

  2. #2
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    The thing is you can't change her name to married name becos you are not married yet and do not try to stick the passport as they might think it has been tampered with.

    So the last thing you have got to do is to get a replacement in the Philippine Embassy in London. It might take 6-8 weeks before her new passport arrives but that's all you can do for now. They won't keep the old passport, they will give it back to you so don't worry about the visa etc on your wife's old passport.

  3. #3
    Member mesmo's Avatar
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    Thank you Meloves, We are heading there tomorrow to do just that ... our wedding isn't till mid September anyway so we should be OK timewise and then we will send off for her "married" passport soon after we come back from the honeymoon

    Out of interest, do you know what documents they are likely to require to see for a replacement passport because of damage?

  4. #4
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mesmo View Post
    Thank you Meloves, We are heading there tomorrow to do just that ... our wedding isn't till mid September anyway so we should be OK timewise and then we will send off for her "married" passport soon after we come back from the honeymoon

    Out of interest do you know what documents they are likely to require to see for a replacement passport because of damage?
    I think it will fall on to applying a new e-passport as they haven't mentioned on the Phil Embassy website about replacement of damaged passports. So I would say, go to this link and take note of what docus are needed for a new epassport.

  5. #5
    Member mesmo's Avatar
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    Thank you again Meloves

  6. #6
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mesmo View Post
    Thank you again Meloves
    No worries! My pleasure.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by mesmo View Post

    ......................... after our wedding and it will still be in her current surname therefore we will have to replace it again when we come back once we can send it off with the marriage certificate

    Any advice anyone?
    Be aware that as far as the UK is concerned there is NO LEGAL requirement for a woman to change her name on marriage. So if you want to wait until the passport is due for renewal, or indeed leave it in your maiden name, there is no problem.

    Just in passing. There is no law in UK which says that a woman on marriage must change her name, and in fact, there is no law which even says she can. It is just common practice.

    Generally in UK, if there is no law to say you cannot do something then you can do it.

    In UK you can change your name by Common Law, i.e. not a written law, (providing it is not for a criminal purpose) and without any requirement to 'confirm it' in law. I did just that 30 years ago, and changed my existing UK passport to my new name. I have since taken up my right to Irish nationality and have a passport in my new name. My Filipino wife has her Filipino passport with a hyphenated surname, her maiden surname and my (new) surname.

  8. #8
    Member mesmo's Avatar
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    Thanks John .. you are quite right there and in truth we probably won't rush off to get her new passport with her maiden name in it changed to her married name once we are married BUT in the medium term most girls who get married like to be known by their new Married name and Merlyn is no exception to that so perhaps in time for next years holidays we will replace it

    Yesterday Merlyn and I went to the Philippine Embassy in Suffolk Street London and ordered her replacement passport. The cost for this, if anyone is interested is £43 plus another £7.50 for a prepaid special delivery envelope which we got from a Post office a couple of streets away plus we had to pay for some photocopying of the internal pages but the latter more because of the fact that Merlyns passport was damaged

    From there we had Lunch in a Pret a Manger cafe just off Trafalgar Square and then on our walk back to Waterloo took in Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, The River Thames, the London Eye (looking from a distance that is)

  9. #9
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    Mesmo. I did not mention it, but we were in Madrid just after we married, and visited the Phil Consulate. We waited half an hour, for a nominal fee, they changed my wife's name, to the hyphenated name as I described (in manuscript) in her existing PP and stamped it. She used that until renewing it

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Mesmo. I did not mention it, but we were in Madrid just after we married, and visited the Phil Consulate. We waited half an hour, for a nominal fee, they changed my wife's name, to the hyphenated name as I described (in manuscript) in her existing PP and stamped it. She used that until renewing it
    They used to do that here in PH Embassy also.
    No longer possible.

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