In trying to put Merlyn's passport into a leather cover it required to open the passport like the closed wings of a butterfly to make insertion easier.

Now a few days later the pages of the passport have come away from the passport cover itself

I was tempted to put a thin line of superglue down the centre line of the cover and try and stick it back in again BUT am reluctant on the basis that I really dont want it to look like the passport has been tampered with

Our only way forward at the moment, as I see it is to get a replacement from the Philippines Embassy in London but again this original contains her recently acquired fiancee visa, and CFO sticker

We need the passport to be able to go on honeymoon in September immediately after our wedding and it will still be in her current surname therefore we will have to replace it again when we come back once we can send it off with the marriage certificate

Any advice anyone?