Thanks John .. you are quite right there and in truth we probably won't rush off to get her new passport with her maiden name in it changed to her married name once we are married BUT in the medium term most girls who get married like to be known by their new Married name and Merlyn is no exception to that so perhaps in time for next years holidays we will replace it
Yesterday Merlyn and I went to the Philippine Embassy in Suffolk Street London and ordered her replacement passport. The cost for this, if anyone is interested is £43 plus another £7.50 for a prepaid special delivery envelope which we got from a Post office a couple of streets away plus we had to pay for some photocopying of the internal pages but the latter more because of the fact that Merlyns passport was damaged
From there we had Lunch in a Pret a Manger cafe just off Trafalgar Square and then on our walk back to Waterloo took in Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, The River Thames, the London Eye (looking from a distance that is)