Arthur Little, you should deffo go to Cornwall!! I was amazed that you also have turquoise water here!! hahaha! my husband was shocked as well!! hahaha!!

Stevewool, ofc I had to go and swim! That is what seas are for?!!! I was a bit challenged by this old couple who also stayed in the same B&B and was proud to tell them that we swam in that cold sea!!

Michael Parnham, it is by far my favourite place in the UK too!! Great beaches, quaint cafes and shops!! Lots of art exhibitions too!!

Jake, it is cold as per my Filipina standards hahahaha!! I should have brought my dry suit because my 5mm wet suit wouldn't suffice!!!

Steve.r, yes Cornwall brings back hubby's childhood memories too!!

Grahamw48, thank you! I know hubby and I makes a handsome couple, oh tell me something I don't know!! hahaha

Terpe, I WAS a typical Asian who takes a lot of pictures of anything and everything, I shrugged that habit off 2 years ago when my DSLR camera got stolen. Hubby bought me a canon g12 but I couldn't be bothered taking it when we travel. Those photos were just taken by my 2.5 year old iphone (who is screaming for some serious help--REST). The weather was perfect but the wind surfers were moaning about it as there were no wind that time hahaha!!