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Thread: PP Palawan or Bacolod - Living & Education

  1. #1
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    PP Palawan or Bacolod - Living & Education

    Good Morning Filipino UK

    Looking for some advice/discussion about living in Puerta Princesa or Bacolod.

    First a little background, I am happily married to a Filipina living in the UK with 2 small children the oldest is 5. We are on the new spouse visa system and will be applying for our second 2.5 year visa in a few months time. The plan is to get an ILR for my wife and eldest and then try living in RPI, in approx 4 years time

    So the question is where to live. I have visited RPI many times over the years and we have decided on Bacolod or Puerta Princessa. I have bought a lot on the Ayala Assyana development in Bacolod, but do not own anything in PP

    So if anyone can provide any ideas/views they would be much appreciated. Especially with regards to schooling as it seems PP does not have such good schools (otherwise I think it would be my choice). Has anyone moved at 9 year from the UK to RPI? How did it work out?

    Best regards

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevek View Post
    ......The plan is to get an ILR for my wife and eldest and then try living in RPI, in approx 4 years time...
    Hi Steve, why not plan to secure British Citizenship before relocating?

  3. #3
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Well Steve, I,ve never been to Palawan so my input will only be for Bacolod. I have been here 2 years now. It,s ok, not as lively as Cebu where I was for 2 years also. The place is ok plenty of decent schools, not as much pollution either, nice wide roads too.

    If I,m really honest I,d opt for a coastal spot but funds don,t allow that yet so I opted for a cheap place on the outskirts of the city. There are resorts in and around the city as well as the usual malls. Not much else I can tell ya except there are hardly any Brits here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Hi Steve, why not plan to secure British Citizenship before relocating?
    Hi Terpe

    Yes I agree would be good to get British Citizenship. We got our visa Sep 2012, so how long do you think it will take to get BC?, I want to time the relocate with my daughter finishing primary in 4 years time


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    Hi Tiger

    The lot I have is towards the airport at Silay, it has an attached Mall and a school with nice grounds. Are you north or south of Bacolod city?

    I think Bacolod ticks the boxes with regards to schools, getting around and modern stuff like coffee shops and restaurants. The downside would be Illongo as an extra language to Tagalog and English. Also seems to be a bit away from beautiful beaches and nature. Where would you go if you wanted some beach time?

    Do you know what the hospitals are like?

    Do you drive?

    Sorry for all the questions would be good to hook up next time I am over and I will buy you a beer


  6. #6
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevek View Post
    Hi Tiger

    The lot I have is towards the airport at Silay, it has an attached Mall and a school with nice grounds. Are you north or south of Bacolod City?

    I think Bacolod ticks the boxes with regards to schools, getting around and modern stuff like coffee shops and restaurants. The downside would be Illongo as an extra language to Tagalog and English. Also seems to be a bit away from beautiful beaches and nature.

    Where would you go if you wanted some beach time?

    Do you know what the hospitals are like?

    Do you drive?

    Sorry for all the questions would be good to hook up next time I am over and I will buy you a beer

    Hi Steve, I,m in Granada which is east of the city towards Murcia. Never been to a doctors in 4 years so can,t answer the hospital question.

    I,ve been past your new lot area the mall is only half full I believe still a lot to be completed. I have not learned the language as it goes in one ear and out the other lol. At least you,re near the airport, it takes me an hour to get there from my house. I can drive but don,t own a car here only a motor trike. Where in the UK are you?

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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    Hi Steve, I,m in Granada which is east of the city towards Murcia. Never been to a doctors in 4 years so can,t answer the hospital question.

    I,ve been past your new lot area the mall is only half full I believe still a lot to be completed. I have not learned the language as it goes in one ear and out the other lol. At least you,re near the airport, it takes me an hour to get there from my house. I can drive but don,t own a car here only a motor trike. Where in the UK are you?
    Hi Tiger,

    Sounds just like Spain, are you in a sub division or in the countryside?. I am in Leeds right now but we will shortly be moving to Congleton Cheshire

    I will have a go at learning the language but not sure how I will get on..its a struggle so far. I just want to be able to understand my kids, but if they are talking 3 languages I will be stuffed

    Seems to be quite a few wealthy people in Bacolod, we visited the mall last year and it had plenty of high end shops but very few shoppers. RPI and Malls...they just keep building them...and condo's

    A trike would be cool, how do you find driving it around?

    Overall do you think it was good idea moving from Cebu? Most of my wife's close family are in Manila but its just too crazy for me

  8. #8
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevek View Post
    Hi Tiger,

    Sounds just like Spain, are you in a sub division or in the countryside?. I am in Leeds right now but we will shortly be moving to Congleton Cheshire

    I will have a go at learning the language but not sure how I will get's a struggle so far. I just want to be able to understand my kids, but if they are talking 3 languages I will be stuffed

    Seems to be quite a few wealthy people in Bacolod, we visited the mall last year and it had plenty of high end shops but very few shoppers. RPI and Malls...they just keep building them...and condo's

    A trike would be cool, how do you find driving it around?

    Overall do you think it was good idea moving from Cebu? Most of my wife's close family are in Manila but it's just too crazy for me
    Yes, we are in a sub division - a medium range one I think. No security on the gate - but so far not had or heard of any problems here. I don,t drive my tricycle in the city - just around our baranguy - but in fairness, I,m going to upgrade to a multicab in future for a bit more comfort.

    I am planning to bring g,f to UK as soon as I,ve finished my extension to the house, as she would like to see the place for herself. I,m from Northamptonshire ( little Scotland ) lol.

    As for Cebu, the climate does not suit me - too hot and sticky - whereas here, it,s not so humid and also less polluted than Cebu.

    I don,t know where there is a good beach near me as I have not been to one in Bacolod area. Been to a couple on Mactan. Bohol - which is only 2 hours on the ferry - has some nice beaches.

    I have never been to Manila and have no desire to go either lol - too many people in one place. I am sure we can meet up sometime in the future.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    Yes, we are in a sub division - a medium range one I think. No security on the gate - but so far not had or heard of any problems here. I don,t drive my tricycle in the city - just around our baranguy - but in fairness, I,m going to upgrade to a multicab in future for a bit more comfort.

    I am planning to bring g,f to UK as soon as I,ve finished my extension to the house, as she would like to see the place for herself. I,m from Northamptonshire ( little Scotland ) lol.

    As for Cebu, the climate does not suit me - too hot and sticky - whereas here, it,s not so humid and also less polluted than Cebu.

    I don,t know where there is a good beach near me as I have not been to one in Bacolod area. Been to a couple on Mactan. Bohol - which is only 2 hours on the ferry - has some nice beaches.

    I have never been to Manila and have no desire to go either lol - too many people in one place. I am sure we can meet up sometime in the future.

    We are not yet decided on a sub division yet, on the one hand were we bought the lot has very good facilities and lots of security but its expensive, with lots of rules and as it does not allow trikes or even taxis onto the sub division which makes getting around difficult.... I guess like everything in life its all about choosing the best compromise for yourself

    I think little Scotland voted to be part of the UK. Personally I am all for a breakaway with the United Counties of the North with Liverpool as the thats a subject for another thread

    I am sure most UK/Filipino couples think about what is the best country to live in. I would say I am not decided yet but I really want to try both countries.

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