Thanks for the answer. We are unsure now about another section. We have answered yes to 1.27 and 1.28 and put details of the 2 children that are not to be included in how the financial requirements are to be met, and how much maintenance is paid each month in 1.27 and 1.28 on the financial requirements form.

We have crossed the box in section 3.3 saying income is from salaried employment in the uk and filled out Category A.
The question we have: Do we need to fill out Section 4

PART 4 Maintenance for those exempt from the financial requirement
You should complete this maintenance section if you are not required to complete the financial requirement section in Part 3. This
includes those who answered ‘Yes’ to question 3.1 and children who are not required to meet the financial requirement. See the policy
guidance notes who needs to complete this part instead of Part 3.
This section contains how much does your sponsor spend each month on living costs and 4.15 Is your sponsor responsible for anyone elses financial support as this has already been answered in section 1.27 and 1.28