So am putting together a list of the requirements Sheina and I require.

For Sheina:

- Birth Certificate (new) - 1 original & 2 Xerox copies.
- Certificate of attendance, issued by the HRD office . 1 original & 1 Xerox copy.
- CEDULA w/signature - 1 original & 2 Xerox copies.
- CENOMAR issued by NSO - 1 original & 1 xerox copy.
- Valid ID - Original & 2 Xerox copies.

For Me:

- Passport ID - 2 Xerox copies
- Date of arrival (Latest) from the passport - 2 Xerox copies.
- Legal capacity, issued by their diplomatic official in the Philippines - 1 original & 1 Xerox copy.

If anyone can think of anything I have missed it would be appreciated.