The last week I was in the Philippines Harlene had a cough and felt a bit achy body wise.
I returned home Last Tuesday afternoon, returned to work Thursday morning and by the afternoon had a real bad sore throat and kept drinking water and took some paracetamol. By the time I woke up Friday morning at 4.30am for work my sore throat had gone but I had a real bad headache and felt really achy. I'm not one for taking time off from work with a headache ( I suffer from migraines and am used to working with them) but I had to phone up and go sick. Not been back since (last shift was last night) and not due back on shift now until Friday.
The last few days I have just felt like I had a cold, but no runny or blocked nose. I felt really sick when I woke this morning around 4am, but I wasn't sick and haven't been. Took two more paracetamol and at this moment I feel a bit weak but other than that fine..... I have also lost 2kg in weight since I returned home Tuesday as I haven't had much of an appetite (must be missing rice!)
I say it's just a cold caught from Harlene. But my family and Harlene insist I go to the doctors. I don't like to go to the doctors for a cold! But they are all on my case, so had to make an appointment for Wednesday morning, hopefully it is like I say just a cold.... But I am married now with a baby on the way, so got to keep everyone happy![]()