
My first time on here.

Can I run my predicament by you guys please?

I'm English, met my wife a couple of yr back. She was going through a divorce to another English man. As we were only dating and she didn't want to spent a fortune on a visa on the idea we may not last....because we were only dating....We put that aside. I eventually moved her in. Got married in Feb 2013.

We took this route as we were so worried about losing each other.

Anyway. Last month we finally applied. She was rejected.

Got an appointment with a Home Office Enforcement Officer on the 8/7.
My problem is if I take the solicitor route or head to Philippines to apply from there....either way my finances are so bad that I'd have to apply for credit cards to be able to cover all this.

I wrote this all in the application. ..All of the above and that we need her to work so I can afford to have holidays. But they ignored that and said, "you've said you want a holiday. Then go to Philippines and apply from there". They totally missed the main part where I said I have no funds for the worst case scenario.

Now, I am thinking of getting a solicitor but they've already said in initial email contact I'd have to quickly reapply and claim she will get family help out there (which is true) and we'd be homeless on landing. All very true. She was abused by her mum as a kid and it all got swept under the carpet.

So, do I chase that lead or get a loan or credit and fly over there and hope she gets a visa out there??

It's a biggie as I would have to send her initially off alone so to put things in place as with my job...I'd only get a fortnight off max....

Solicitor and reapplication would cost me around £1500-£2000....flights for two and Manila accommodation for a month and visa - that and even more.

What would you do?