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Thread: Child of a British Citizen

  1. #1
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    Child of a British Citizen

    Hi Everyone.

    A quick question about child settlement.

    On UKBA website I cannot see any link on the financial requirement regarding a child of a now British citizen.

    All I can see is for someone who is in ILE or in ILR.

    How much is the financial requirement if I apply for my child to settle in the UK?

    Any links on the forum on the process?

    Thanks to all.

  2. #2
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    If you mean "child of a British citizen" who is indeed British themselves then no financial requirement is needed as child has full rights to settlement.

    If you yourself have been naturalised as a British citizen then I believe the process is a lot easier for the child to become British.

    I am sure others will add to this.....

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Correct, there is no financial requirement for a child born to a British parent as they are British by descent. As long as the Child is a British passport holder.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  4. #4
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jhen1230 View Post
    Hi Everyone.

    A quick question about child settlement.

    On UKBA website I cannot see any link on the financial requirement regarding a child of a now British citizen.

    All I can see is for someone who is in ILE or in ILR.

    How much is the financial requirement if I apply for my child to settle in the UK?

    Any links on the forum on the process?

    Thanks to all.
    We need more information:

    ''Now'' British citizen ?? Does that mean that the sponsor has become a naturalized British citizen?

    Where does the child live?

    What age?

    Who looks after him/her?
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  5. #5
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    Yes....definitely more info' needed please.

  6. #6
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    Hi to everyone
    Sorry for not giving full information about my query and thank you for all your replies.It is very much appreciated.

    The child's mother is a naturalized British citizen.The child is living in the Philippines with her grandparents since birth,she is now 11 years old.The mother and her step-father supports her on everything that she needs.The child's father is not on her birth certificate and never met her father.

    The mother would like the child to join them in the U.K.

    My confusion is that "the child's parent has been naturalised before the new immigration law and getting confused on which appendix should be filled in.

    Is the financial requirement still applies to the child even though her parent has been naturalized before the new immigration law been applied?

    Anyone here been on the same situation?Any advise on the application process?


  7. #7
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jhen1230 View Post
    Hi to everyone

    The child's mother is a naturalized British citizen.The child is living in the Philippines with her grandparents since birth,she is now 11 years old.The mother and her step-father supports her on everything that she needs.The child's father is not on her birth certificate and never met her father.
    The sponsor needs to prove sole responsibility for the child (who decides for the day to day activities of the child)
    you said the child is living with grandparents since birth?? In 11years, has the child been looked after by her mother? how often do they visit the child? how long are they with them when they visit ? sometimes, its not enough to just support them financially if you know what I mean?

    Quote Originally Posted by jhen1230 View Post
    The mother would like the child to join them in the U.K.

    My confusion is that "the child's parent has been naturalised before the new immigration law and getting confused on which appendix should be filled in.

    Is the financial requirement still applies to the child even though her parent has been naturalized before the new immigration law been applied?
    Are both sponsors (mother and stepfather) naturalized British or the step father a British National?
    Are they both working and can support the child?
    there is no financial requirements but they need to supply documents to prove they can support the child in settling here in Uk.

    its Appendix 1 to fill in.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

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