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Thread: Back in UK on spouse visa - what next?

  1. #1
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    Back in UK on spouse visa - what next?


    We were married in the Philippines and my wife is now back with me in UK on a spouse visa which lasts for just under 3 years I think.

    Does anyone know what visa we will need to apply for next time? And what evidence I should be collecting during the next 3 years to make the next application as easy as possible.

    I did think we could apply for her permanent residency next but my wife thinks we need to get a second spouse visa....


  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    She needs to apply for the extension of her current visa (FLR(M) which is another 2.5 years) before she can get the settlement visa (or ILR). She needs to do this before she's reached her 30th month of stay here. 28 days before the 30th month is the earliest day she can do it. Here's the page you need to bookmark and you can read there the requirements.

    You need to add your wife's name in your bill statements, i.e. electric, water, phone, etc. She needs to show proof that she is living with you the whole time upon applying the extension of her visa. You can also register her to your GP and dentist. You also need to get her NI number so she can work here. You can open a bank account for her or have a joint account with you (although she must have some of the utility bill statements with her name to present to the bank).
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  3. #3
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    She needs to apply for the extension of her current visa (FLR(M) which is another 2.5 years) before she can get the settlement visa (or ILR). She needs to do this before she's reached her 30th month of stay here. 28 days before the 30th month is the earliest day she can do it. Here's the page you need to bookmark and you can read there the requirements.

    You need to add your wife's name in your bill statements, i.e. electric, water, phone, etc. She needs to show proof that she is living with you the whole time upon applying the extension of her visa. You can also register her to your GP and dentist. You also need to get her NI number so she can work here. You can open a bank account for her or have a joint account with you (although she must have some of the utility bill statements with her name to present to the bank).
    Good advice as ever. We have done just that, joint Bank Account, joint Electricity & Telephone Accounts, NI & NHS Numbers, Driving Licence and Life in the UK Pass Certificate ... just waiting for 2016 now for FLR(M)
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

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