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Thread: Englishman, Scottishman, Irishman Joke

  1. #1
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Englishman, Scottishman, Irishman Joke

    Okay I like this joke so please don't be offended any nationalties out there it's just a laugh!

    An Englishman, Irishman and Scottishman decide to rob a bank together but things don't go to plan and they end up running down the highstreet away from the police.

    All of a sudden they see a petshop and dive in the door...

    They wave their guns at the man behind the counter and demand a place to hide.

    The only place he can think of is in three huge empty sacks on the floor by the counter so they each climb into a sack, do it up and wait.

    Minutes later a policeman bowls in and start interrogating the terrified guy behind the counter but to no avail.

    Eventually the policeman gives up and goes to leave but as he does he spots the large sacks by the counter....

    He goes up to the first sack and gives it a kick to which the Englishman inside yells "woof".

    Satisfied he moves over to the next sack and gives that a kick. To which the Scottishman yells "meaow".

    Almost as an afterthought the police man kicks the final sack to which the Irishman yells....

    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    how you doing ladyj? , your not around much , the little'un wearing you out ??

    i be worn out if not for the wife and stepson , little joe will be one next monday !!! on the 5th of nov, how time flies,, he's just started walking

    hope youboth are doing

  3. #3
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Why, did you missed me Joe?

    Well, I've been learning to drive in a past few weeks and wohoo! I can drive now and today I received my Provisional Licence.. and yeah I know, I'm not suppose to drive without P.licence

    Anyway, Advance Happy Birthday to your son Joe, are we invited? erm.. do you have plan to baptise him?

    because I know some British parents who don't do it, and I want to know why?
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Englishman, Scotsman and an Irishman walk into a bar.
    Barman says, " Is this some kind of joke?"


  5. #5
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    A horse walks into a bar.

    The barman says, "Why the long face?"


  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    Why, did you missed me Joe?

    Well, I've been learning to drive in a past few weeks and wohoo! I can drive now and today I received my Provisional Licence.. and yeah I know, I'm not suppose to drive without P.licence

    Anyway, Advance Happy Birthday to your son Joe, are we invited? erm.. do you have plan to baptise him?

    because I know some British parents who don't do it, and I want to know why?
    yes, i've missed you, no one to talk baby talk to, only scouser keith ..
    well you have to take your theory test first, well my wife just passed her pratical test today, , no i'm not joking 8:20am this morning to me wife rush hour traffic, a crazy driver speeding nearly crashed into her and i will not go into how many attempts it took her, dont want to dishearten you, but she was unlucky many times, its ridiculous what they can fail you for ... and oh when she first came here she drove for a year on her internatonal licence, and had about 30+ lessons, before taking the practical test, GOOD LUCK thou

    oh i've got some fireworks for his big day, gonna buy him a cake with 1 candle on , maybe a cup cake.. oh if you will look after him, you can come lol.,

    baptise him? , as far as i know he hasn't unless my wife has done it without me knowing.. hmmm . i'm not religious, its up to him what he does when shes old enough to decide

  7. #7
    Respected Member cinmickey28's Avatar
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    Nice One Lady J
    A relationship founded in GOD will last forever and will always compromise trust and happiness, as all good thoughts are derived from wisdom and faith,and trust .

  8. #8
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    ive read this joke before but it was Arroyo, Ramos and Erap..the president of the phillipines..

    and of course ERAP is the one who says he's the potato in the sack..its the ERAP jokes..

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    What happens if you a bit english, scottish and Irish like me

  10. #10
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    wow thats great Andy, ure an international mate..he he he

  11. #11
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    The Welsh lose out in these jokes - it's a shame.


  12. #12
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    how you doing ladyj? , your not around much , the little'un wearing you out ??

    i be worn out if not for the wife and stepson , little joe will be one next monday !!! on the 5th of nov, how time flies,, he's just started walking

    hope youboth are doing
    Hi kuya Joe Happy birthday to your Little Joe I wish him good health and I hope he will not wreck your house anymore

  13. #13
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    happy birthday little joe..

  14. #14
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    Why, did you missed me Joe?

    Well, I've been learning to drive in a past few weeks and wohoo! I can drive now and today I received my Provisional Licence.. and yeah I know, I'm not suppose to drive without P.licence

    Anyway, Advance Happy Birthday to your son Joe, are we invited? erm.. do you have plan to baptise him?

    because I know some British parents who don't do it, and I want to know why?
    LadyJ, I just got my provisional license too and today hubby bought me a second hand car to practice driving, the 'L' sign and the official highway code guide book. I don't know if I will get used of driving in right seat, it just freaks me out, everytime I need to cross a road or walking into streets I just get confused which is right and which is left and where cars suppose to come?
    I think I would stick going around with my bikey!

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  15. #15
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    2 Pilots aboard Philippine Airlines departing Tokyo Narita for Manila, 1 Filipino 1 Japanese.

    150 miles out, Radar packs up, Filipino pilot, says, we will just have to keep an eye out through cabin windows.

    Passing just East of Hong Kong, Japanese pilot asks if they are close to Phiippines, "No says Filipino pilot, I can smell barbecue spare ribs, sweet and sour pork, special fried rice, it must be Hong Kong"

    700 Miles South of Hong Kong, Japanese pilot asks again "Are we close to the Manila as yet"

    Filipino pilot says "yes I have to say we are over the Philippines now and about 20 minutes to landing"

    Japanese pilot asks "is that because you can smell the local food"

    Filipino pilot says "No because my f.... watch has dissapeared"

  16. #16
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    LadyJ, I just got my provisional license too and today hubby bought me a second hand car to practice driving, the 'L' sign and the official highway code guide book. I don't know if I will get used of driving in right seat, it just freaks me out, everytime I need to cross a road or walking into streets I just get confused which is right and which is left and where cars suppose to come?
    Oh heaven help us !!

  17. #17
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Hahaha! I understand how you feel Peanutz, Its pretty difficult for us new learner specially when we got used to drive on the right lane in Phils or other country and even I've been living here for 6 years when I start my driving lesson, I still kept driving on the right lane.

    I got bargain for Theory and Practical test guide in ebay, 2 discs for 2quid.

    Oh well, goodluck to your driving lesson
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  18. #18
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Oh heaven help us !!
    Peter, I promise I will be very careful and eyes wide open when I get my hands on my second hand car. However, I can't promise not to get into any trouble and to be patient while learning to drive, oh poor me, husband and driving instructor will have a lot of fun teaching me to drive I hope they are patient enough to bear with me

    I read your thread about teaching how to drive and it made me laugh! I do picture myself in most of it.

    A warm regards to Gina.

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


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