Okay I like this joke so please don't be offended any nationalties out there it's just a laugh!

An Englishman, Irishman and Scottishman decide to rob a bank together but things don't go to plan and they end up running down the highstreet away from the police.

All of a sudden they see a petshop and dive in the door...

They wave their guns at the man behind the counter and demand a place to hide.

The only place he can think of is in three huge empty sacks on the floor by the counter so they each climb into a sack, do it up and wait.

Minutes later a policeman bowls in and start interrogating the terrified guy behind the counter but to no avail.

Eventually the policeman gives up and goes to leave but as he does he spots the large sacks by the counter....

He goes up to the first sack and gives it a kick to which the Englishman inside yells "woof".

Satisfied he moves over to the next sack and gives that a kick. To which the Scottishman yells "meaow".

Almost as an afterthought the police man kicks the final sack to which the Irishman yells....
