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Thread: Pinay lady is in the Heathrow Airport - needs help

  1. #1
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    Pinay lady is in the Heathrow Airport - needs help

    Hello Everyone,
    I went to heathrow this morning to pick up my sister, when I sat in the waiting area one lady asking if I'm filipina, I said why then she start to introduce her self and burst in to cry. She was working here couple years ago looking after the old man. last year the old man died and she went back to the philippines and stayed there nearly a year. She got a permanent residents. Before she came back here she contacted her friend in cambridge, and her friend promise to help her and even says that she got a friend that need a nanny. But unfortunately her friend didn't pick her up not even answering her call...Now she's been in the airport since yesterday...She sounds like she want to come and live with me for a while but obviously i can't decided straight away for some reason I got a husband that need and explanation (u know what i mean). So I tried to explain it to her which she understand. she said, she got nothing aside from £5, not been eating since yesterday. I asked what I can help, She said, she wants to go to catholic cathedral in victoria to attend a mass and asked a help there but she got no money for the ticket. so I offered to buy a ticket but since I got two kids I cant really walking around while waiting for my sister, So I gave her £30 to buy ticket. Just tonight she's asking to find her an employer asap so that she can have somewhere to live. I texted her I will try but I cant promise. She said in her text that she came back to the airport to stay for a while...I got no clue what she gonna do there...Have you guys got any suggestion what i could advice her?

    Many thanks

  2. #2
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    We must assume that she has an entry visa of some sort.

    Do you have a mobile number for her ?

    Maybe another Filipina (London area) can contact her through that. Poor lady.

    Don't put the number here.

    PM it to whoever may be able to help.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    My advice is don't get drawn into it...

    It sounds like a massive con and my opinion is you are one of many who - excuse me for saying this - was gullible enough to believe it......

    Sorry if it is genuine, but it has scam written all over it to me.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    My advice is don't get drawn into it...

    It sounds like a massive con and my opinion is you are one of many who - excuse me for saying this - was gullible enough to believe it......

    Sorry if it is genuine, but it has scam written all over it to me.
    I really don't know what to do...If she is genuine I feel guilty, We offered to drop her in the Embassy but she refused, she said it's expensive to go there..

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    We must assume that she has an entry visa of some sort.

    Do you have a mobile number for her ?

    Maybe another Filipina (London area) can contact her through that. Poor lady.

    Don't put the number here.

    PM it to whoever may be able to help.
    She got ILR...I told her, to drop her in the Embassy but she refused..I dont know

  6. #6
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    It does sound as if she's returned here just hoping that something (or somebody) will turn up.

    At least she has a right to be here and isn't an illegal.

    She is very vulnerable to abuse though in that situation, whatever we may think of her motives.

    Hopefully another Filipino member can volunteer to at least phone her.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    It does sound as if she's returned here just hoping that something (or somebody) will turn up.

    At least she has a right to be here and isn't an illegal.

    She is very vulnerable to abuse though in that situation, whatever we may think of her motives.

    Hopefully another Filipino member can volunteer to at least phone her.
    That's right, every time she encountered pinay she tried to talk about her situation and cry...I advised her if you want to go to cathedral church asked a help I'm sure they will help you, but she says she prefers to asked help from filipino people..I dont know why

  8. #8
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    If she has no luck with the Filipinos, the police will take her to a place of safety ...if she comes to their attention.

    There are some horrid people hanging around the airports and rail stations in this country though.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    If she has no luck with the Filipinos, the police will take her to a place of safety ...if she comes to their attention.

    There are some horrid people hanging around the airports and rail stations in this country though.

    That's what my husband says...hopefully she's alright

  10. #10
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    Anyway, I think you showed her a lot of kindness, and perhaps that's all that can be done at the moment.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post

    Anyway, I think you showed her a lot of kindness, and perhaps that's all that can be done at the moment.
    I want to take her home but I got to be careful or else my husband will evict me from the

  12. #12
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    Well I can't offer her a room, cos my lady is reading this thread right now. lol

    ...aren't you Mercedes?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jane2009 View Post
    Hello Everyone,
    I went to heathrow this morning to pick up my sister, when I sat in the waiting area one lady asking if I'm filipina, I said why then she start to introduce her self and burst in to cry. She was working here couple years ago looking after the old man. last year the old man died and she went back to the philippines and stayed there nearly a year. She got a permanent residents. Before she came back here she contacted her friend in cambridge, and her friend promise to help her and even says that she got a friend that need a nanny. But unfortunately her friend didn't pick her up not even answering her call...Now she's been in the airport since yesterday...She sounds like she want to come and live with me for a while but obviously i can't decided straight away for some reason I got a husband that need and explanation (u know what i mean). So I tried to explain it to her which she understand. she said, she got nothing aside from £5, not been eating since yesterday. I asked what I can help, She said, she wants to go to catholic cathedral in victoria to attend a mass and asked a help there but she got no money for the ticket. so I offered to buy a ticket but since I got two kids I cant really walking around while waiting for my sister, So I gave her £30 to buy ticket. Just tonight she's asking to find her an employer asap so that she can have somewhere to live. I texted her I will try but I cant promise. She said in her text that she came back to the airport to stay for a while...I got no clue what she gonna do there...Have you guys got any suggestion what i could advice her?

    Many thanks
    She can afford the airfare here but she only has £5 with her

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    She can afford the airfare here but she only has £5 with her
    Correct doesn't ring true

  15. #15
    Respected Member Rory's Avatar
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    Why refuse the Embassy or the police station, these are her best places to get help, food and rest.

  16. #16
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Seems like a scam. She probably spends every day there. I'd report it to airport security.
    Keith - Administrator

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