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Thread: A little advice

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    A little advice

    Hello to all. I'm Alex from Manchester and I have just returned from my first visit to The Philippines - 3 weeks in Cebu and I am absolutely in love with the place and people already. I hope to buy a place there in a few years. My sister has had a Filipino partner for a few years now so I met some of his family who still live there.

    Well (surprise surprise) I met a lady who works at the hotel I stayed at and we talk but I still don't know so much Bisayan but trying hard. I plan to go back and spend more time there to learn more about Filipino ways and life and to see her again. I've tried very hard to follow the customs there and be respectful but would be very grateful for any advice you can give me on Filipino culture it's just so very different.

  2. #2
    Trusted Member
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    Hi Alex. Welcome to the forum.

    You might find this book interesting:


  3. #3
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Hi Alex, welcome from me too.

    I have been to Cebu once and also liked it there.

    My only advice with your new lady is be yourself and do not try to impress by splashing money about.

    All the best,

  4. #4
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum Alex, I'm sure you will get plenty of advice on this forum and my advice is just be sensible when it comes to money, don't throw it away to impress and that way you will find out if you've chosen the right girl for you!

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    I note three of our most experienced, highly respected members have already offered the benefit of their wise counsel, Alex ... and one of them has even provided an excellent link to a list of publications on Filipino culture.

    Several more - who have made their homes in the Philippines over the years - will, I'm sure, be along in due course to guide you through the realities of living in the Paradise Islands ... ... so plenty of material to be going on with.

    meanwhile to our friendly online filipino/uk community.

  6. #6
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    well thank you all...hopefully I will learn a lot here :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    I note three of our most experienced, highly respected members have already offered the benefit of their wise counsel, Alex ... and one of them has even provided an excellent link to a list of publications on Filipino culture.

    Several more - who have made their homes in the Philippines over the years - will, I'm sure, be along in due course to guide you through the realities of living in the Paradise Islands ... ... so plenty of material to be going on with.

    meanwhile to our friendly online filipino/uk community.

  7. #7
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thank you so much for your replies and the link for the book about Filipino culture. In all honesty I found it quite difficult not to spend money being with my second "family" as it were but I explained funds aren't endless and they understood. I was absolutely fascinated by the people and how happy they are despite not having an awful lot it made me re-think the values and life back home. I'm sure something probably every visitor feels the first time they visit.

    Obviously I am totally new to what is expected if trying to establish any sort of relationship with somebody from such a different culture entirely and was afraid of causing any offence or taking anything for granted. In many ways I found the contrast of the Westernised ideas and aspirations conflicted with the deep roots of family loyalty and strong belief in religion but I hope in time I will come to understand this better. Thanks for the welcome and I hope this day finds you all well.

    Best regards,

  8. #8
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Can't thank you all enough for the advice and I'm sure that link to the book will be a great help will try to do some background reading. It's going to be a few years before I get over there yet so I'm pretty sure I'm going to need advice on visas etc in the long run as my lady friend does want to try to leave there at some point too. I've already done a bit of homework myself so am guessing this is a fairly common scenario so will try and read a l;ittle deeper into some of these threads Again, your hospitality is very appreciated and I look forward to talking to you all some more.

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