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Thread: Where are the cheap flights

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  1. #1
    Respected Member mickmyrna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Well where are they? There are a few with China Airlines just around the £500 mark but the big boys are way over the £800 mark.

    The times we are looking at are around Dec 28 to Jan 29, lots of dates to chose and different airports too, but still dont fancy China Airlines.

    Anyone flown with them and can comment?
    Hi Steve! We flew with China Southern in January this year £427 return!!!! I wouldn't fly with them again -

    1. I, personally, think the air Hostesses were a bit abrupt and offhand.
    2. No brandy inflight, only cans of Chinese beer!!
    3. It was a very competitive flight but in reality it's a false economy, as it takes forever to get there (and back) .....

    Outbound, Manchester to Amsterdam 5 hours wait, Amsterdam to Guangzhou 3 or 4 hours wait, then Guangzhou to Manila, then internal flight to Cebu.

    Returning, we flew to Manila during the night - as our flight to Beijing was early - no sleep in Manila (must be the busiest airport in the world! And no aircon)

    When we finally assembled for the flight I was told, "you've been taken off this flight and put on a later one to Guangzhou". Us and maybe 12 other westerners (No Chinese were taken off that flight.....) finally got to Guangzhou only to have a TEN HOUR wait for next flight to Amsterdam!

    We complained to the uniformed staff at the airport (most vocal was one Frenchman - he really kicked off!!!) So they offered us free hotel accommodation in Guangzhou until it was time to fly again. Managed to get 2 hours' sleep in the hotel room.

    Flew to Amsterdam then finally on to Manchester. Never again!!!!

    When we emigrate in late August we're flying with Singapore Airlines (One way!)

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickmyrna View Post
    Hi Steve! We flew with China Southern in January this year £427 return!!!! I wouldn't fly with them again -

    1. I, personally, think the air Hostesses were a bit abrupt and offhand
    2. No brandy inflight, only cans of Chinese beer!!
    3. It was a very competitive flight but in reality its a false economy as it takes forever to get there (and back) .....

    Outbound, Manchester to Amsterdam 5 hours wait,Amsterdam to Guangzhou 3 or 4 hours wait, then Guangzhou to Manila, then internal flight to Cebu.

    Returning, we flew to Manila during the night - as our flight to Beijing was early - no sleep in Manila (must be the busiest airport in the world! And no aircon)

    When we finally assembled for the flight I was told, "you've been taken off this flight and put on a later one to guangzhou ". Us and maybe 12 other westerners (No Chinese were taken off that flight.....) finally got to Guangzhou only to have a TEN HOUR wait for next flight to Amsterdam!

    We complained to the uniformed staff at the airport (most vocal was one Frenchman - he really kicked off!!!) So they offered us free hotel accommodation in Guangzhou until it was time to fly again. Managed to get 2 hours' sleep in the hotel room.

    Flew to Amsterdam then finally on to Manchester. Never again!!!!

    When we emigrate in late August we're flying with Singapore Airlines (One way!)
    I have my answer, DONT USE THIS AIRLINE!

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickmyrna View Post
    Hi Steve! We flew with China Southern in January this year £427 return!!!! I wouldn't fly with them again -

    1. I, personally, think the air Hostesses were a bit abrupt and offhand
    2. No brandy inflight, only cans of Chinese beer!!
    3. It was a very competitive flight but in reality its a false economy as it takes forever to get there (and back) .....

    Outbound, Manchester to Amsterdam 5 hours wait. Amsterdam to Guangzhou 3 or 4 hours wait, then Guangzhou to Manila, then internal flight to Cebu.

    Returning, we flew to Manila during the night - as our flight to Beijing was early - no sleep in Manila (must be the busiest airport in the world! And no aircon)

    When we finally assembled for the flight I was told, "you've been taken off this flight and put on a later one to Guangzhou ". Us and maybe 12 other westerners (No Chinese were taken off that flight.....) finally got to Guangzhou only to have a TEN HOUR wait for next flight to Amsterdam!

    We complained to the uniformed staff at the airport (most vocal was one Frenchman - he really kicked off!!!) So they offered us free hotel accommodation in Guangzhou until it was time to fly again. Managed to get 2 hours' sleep in the hotel room.

    Flew to Amsterdam then finally on to Manchester. Never again!!!!

    When we emigrate in late August we're flying with Singapore Airlines (One way!)
    So true - no point in saving £200 on a return flight if it's going to take 30+ hours to get there

    I used Aeroflot once to Bangkok and would never repeat the "experience"

  4. #4
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    So true no point in saving £200 on a return flight if its going to take 30+ hours to get there

    I used Aeroflot once to Bangkok and would never repeat the "experience"

    You're not alone, I flew with them to Kenya when I was much younger - just to save a few quid. Lesson learned

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