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Thread: Question please re what visa to apply for

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  1. #1
    Respected Member robbie bobby's Avatar
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    Question please re what visa to apply for

    Hi ALL.

    I have been away for a while doing the new husband thingy and setting up family life for my wife here in Guernsey.

    I have a question regarding the best way to go about a visa.

    I now have a baby girl on the way and my wife is 22 weeks gone.

    Our idea would be to get my wife's mum over to help with the new baby for several months or as long as possible.

    My questions is...What is the best visa to ask my wife's mum to apply for...The Family Visit visa?(which is for 6 months and could be extended for 6 further months if need be)

    Or the Tourist visa? which is only valid for 6 months.

    Of course my wife is still on her 1st 2yr visa and not currently settled and after looking on the Gov website it is a bit vague.Although it says this visa is for visiting family etc etc it does say that your family member(which would be my wife-her daughter)must be a British citizen or settled in the Uk.Is any one clued up on this please?

    Cheers in advance.


  2. #2
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Welcome back Robbie, I'm sure someone will be winging their way forward to give you the answers very soon!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by robbie bobby View Post
    My questions is...What is the best visa to ask my wife's mum to apply for...The Family Visit visa?(which is for 6 months and could be extended for 6 further months if need be)

    Or the Tourist visa? which is only valid for 6 months.
    Family Visitor
    The family members you are visiting must be permanently settled or have asylum/humanitarian protection status in the
    UK. They must also be related to you in one of the following ways:
    - Spouse, civil partner, father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister;
    - Grandfather, grandmother, grandson or granddaughter;
    - Spouse or civil partner’s father, mother, brother or sister;
    - Son or daughter’s spouse or civil partner;
    - Stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister; or
    - Unmarried partner where the couple have been in a relationship akin to marriage or civil partnership for at least the two years before the day the application is made and the relationship is genuine and subsisting
    If you are not related to the person you are visiting in one of the specified ways listed above or if they are not permanently settled or have asylum/humanitarian protection in the UK, then you should apply as a general visitor and complete
    I've highlighted the application category for you.

    You will be the main sponsor so you'll need to state that and you'll need to submit a good invitation/supporting letter to confirm the support you'll be providing in terms of financial assistance and/or accommodation.
    Here is a listing of typical supporting documents you should provide:-

    - 6 months Bank statements
    - 6 months pay slips
    - Proof of address (eg utility bill, Council Tax etc)
    - Accommodation details (including owner's agreement / rental agreement etc)
    - Sponsors passport copy (Photo page, any relevante and stamping page)
    - P60 (if available)
    - The main reasons for wanting the applicant to travel at the specific time

    Including details about the forthcoming birth should help to strengthen the reasons for the application and for the timing and duration.
    Do be wary of requesting a full 6 months duration on the visa application.
    Normally the visa issued will be valid for 6 months anyway.

    Please also be aware that the Family Visit visa is a temporary visit visa and as such will not be eligible for extension.
    You may consider making application for a long-term visit visa. There'll be a need to prove there's a frequent and ongoing need to come to the UK
    and that the reason for your need to come to the UK is unlikely to change significantly while the visa is valid. The applicant will need to leave the UK at the end of each visit which remains at maximum 6 months duration.
    Do be aware that the visa can be revoked if the travel history indicates repeatedly living here in UK for extended periods.

    Concerning the visa application requirements again, the major challenge is, as always, submitting proof of a non-immigrant intent.
    The ECO will need to be convinced that the applicant has strong social, economic and family ties abroad that would compel them to leave the UK at the end of the temporary stay.

    Hope that helps.

  4. #4
    Respected Member robbie bobby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I've highlighted the application category for you.

    You will be the main sponsor so you'll need to state that and you'll need to submit a good invitation/supporting letter to confirm the support you'll be providing in terms of financial assistance and/or accommodation.
    Here is a listing of typical supporting documents you should provide:-

    - 6 months Bank statements
    - 6 months pay slips
    - Proof of address (eg utility bill, Council Tax etc)
    - Accommodation details (including owner's agreement / rental agreement etc)
    - Sponsors passport copy (Photo page, any relevante and stamping page)
    - P60 (if available)
    - The main reasons for wanting the applicant to travel at the specific time

    Including details about the forthcoming birth should help to strengthen the reasons for the application and for the timing and duration.
    Do be wary of requesting a full 6 months duration on the visa application.
    Normally the visa issued will be valid for 6 months anyway.

    Please also be aware that the Family Visit visa is a temporary visit visa and as such will not be eligible for extension.
    You may consider making application for a long-term visit visa. There'll be a need to prove there's a frequent and ongoing need to come to the UK
    and that the reason for your need to come to the UK is unlikely to change significantly while the visa is valid. The applicant will need to leave the UK at the end of each visit which remains at maximum 6 months duration.
    Do be aware that the visa can be revoked if the travel history indicates repeatedly living here in UK for extended periods.

    Concerning the visa application requirements again, the major challenge is, as always, submitting proof of a non-immigrant intent.
    The ECO will need to be convinced that the applicant has strong social, economic and family ties abroad that would compel them to leave the UK at the end of the temporary stay.

    Hope that helps.

    Thanks Terpe.

    Good thing about it is the ECO in Manila cannot make a decision and it will have to come to Guernsey for them to make the decision.

    Luckily I have had a few nice conversations with the Immigration officer here who did my wife's visa and it's always face to face. I know who exactly will deal with it and it's very off the cuff...more laid back and friendly.

    It's just a pain I have to get the statements and wage slips out again and then send them to Phils. I already know it will not be a problem to get the visa, I just need to decide 6 months or longer term as Child Care costs here are over £1000 per month.

    It would be beneficial to have her mum here at least a year and that way we could both work and earn.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by robbie bobby View Post
    ......... I just need to decide 6 months or longer term as Child Care costs here are over £1000 per month.

    It would be beneficial to have her mum here at least a year and that way we could both work and earn.
    As mentioned before, unless Channel Islands are under different rules, the maximum visit duration is 6 months.

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