Hello all fellow users of this site.

My name is James and we live (my wife and I) in Tring, Herts
A friend of ours recommend this site to us.

Now the reason I am posting this message up on the wall here, is because my wife of nearly 3 years went back to visit her family because her brother 'Lito' just died about almost 6 weeks ago and our family in the Philippines need our support. Of course I had to come back earlier because of other business here in the UK.

Now the horrible thing is, whilst my wife is still over there, she had been listening to some well meant advice.

This advice was given to her by members of her family and some friends. God, I could kick myself for not staying there a bit longer, but that's too late now.

What happened - and I only just found out on Sunday 13th July - my wife changed the name on her passport, but the most horrible thing about this is, she renewed her passport with our married name on it, and when she got her passport back, guess what? No UK settlement visa on this passport. I have been spitting blood over this especially when I told her not to change the passport to our married name yet. Anyway, my poor wife was in tears all the time when she realised this.

Although she has a return flight ticket to the UK, it's no good. As there is no visa on her passport now, she cannot fly back to the UK!

It seems to me, that we now have to start all over again with the visa applications and whatever else we need to do so that my wife can come back home. I don't what to do. I'm at my wits end.

Thank you,