I made the following for my husband's and child's application. I filed them myself here in the UK and just sent the entire folders thru DHL to my husband and what he only did was sign the necessary sections I asked him to; go to the Embassy and submit them...after 8 days, they received the visa.
I used 2 sets of folder with plastic jackets - one for original documents and one for photocopies. I managed to buy folders here in the UK that is not that heavy and hard but with metallic ring at the side with plastic jackets and I found it perfect for filing the documents. It's just enough to be enclosed in the brown envelope provided in the UKVAC.
1. Signed checklist and print out of the of list of original documents
2. Letter from the Sponsor - this is the letter I constructed and signed... Actually, I know it is not on the checklist but I also included a letter from my husband addressed to the ECO for his intention to join me in the UK so that there is a consistency in our intention as couple to live together...
3. Visa Application Form, Passport Sized picture and Passport - I just asked my husband to enclose his passport together with the VISA applic form in one plastic jacket (page). I already laid out the passport size picture in the frame provided in the application form by using a tiny paper clip so that it can be altered and removed whenever they want to.
5. Marriage Contract from NSO + I also included my husband's Birth Cert from NSO
6. Letter from the Landlord addressed to the ECO + the Tenancy Agreement / Morgage or Copy of Lease
7. Certificate of Employment of Sponsor - I even accompanied it with my Employment Contract and Work Permit
8. Summary of Bank Statements and original copies of the last 6 months of bank statements - since I have two bank accounts, I made a summary of my total savings as of todate and followed by the bank statements
9. Summary of my remittances - I have this excel file that I printed out that shows the summary of my remittances and highlighting the total as of todate then supported by the original remittance slips
10. Original Payslips
11. Since we also applied for my daughter's visa, we enclosed also the original copy of the contract of the education plan I purchased my daughter way back and still we are paying for the premium.
12. Call Cards - what I did here was I just stapled this in a ladder pattern, hehehe...
13. Telephone Bills (again enclosed in one page of plastic jacket)
14. E-mail print-outs - I just printed-out our last six months of emails and screen shots of ourselves when we chat...Most of the time we just talk to each other than typing all what we say so we make sure we have the screen shots at least. We just enclosed them in the plastic jacket...To minimise the bulky print-outs, I just printed them two-sided (back-to-back)..
15. Our family pictures ( we no longer put any caption here because my hubby was too lazy to do it. I just asked him to put them in one small envelope and just inserted in the plastic jacket)
Folder B. Photocopies
All of the above - EXCEPT Visa application form
we included here SPONSOR's photocopy of the passport Cover to Cover...
I enclosed SPONSOR's photocopy of the passport in Folder B because I believe that Folder B is what the Embassy will secure for themselves...
My husband told me that UKVAC just accepted the folders after inspecting all the requirements and tallied it with the checklist and that's it...
In eight days (inclusive of weekends) we received the visa.
Fyi, we applied for Dependants' Visa (for my hubby and child) and in terms of requirements, they resemble the spouse visa or whatever you call it. Just for completeness, just make sure that you have anticipated whatever questions the ECO would have in mind by submitting all the necessary docs you could provide...
In my case, we applied for dependants' visa so I initially thought, what are the things that make my hubby and child dependent on me...
For my wee child, I thought of her educ plan because it just proves that as payor of that and her being my scholar or nominee or dependant, it can demonstrate as good evidence of relationship and dependence - i enclosed the receipts as well so that it would show that am still paying for it and that the financial support has never stopped...
For my hubby, aside from the constant communication, i have these remittance slips sent under his name displaying not only constant communication but constant financial support and good proof of dependence...
For the accommodation, if you are a couple, one bedroom might be enough but in my case that we applied for my daughter as well, two bedroom at least is needed to accommodate our wee child... Think of it that the ECO will consider child's welfare also...
Most important of all, your sponsor's CAPACITY to support you - can be seen in your Sponsor's PAYSLIPS, and Remittances... You know what, I do not think I gave much weight in the Bank Statements in terms of the figures or savings that are reflected in your bank statements because when you would think of the situation, you might have less money in ur bank because you remit a huge amount of money...See the idea? Once your dependents join you in the UK, you will no longer send money back home because your dependants are already with the Sponsor... This is only my opinion. Although I manage to save money in my bank aside from the huge remittances I have sent to my dependents, I believe that what makes our application stronger were my PAYSLIPS and Record of remittances... But also, just for ASSURANCE, good bank records are also recommended... It is better to give everything best possible in one shot than regret the time you had the chance of providing them but you did not provide it.
So, in those proofs, you might have answered most valuable questions an ECO
could think of to grant you the VISA you need...