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Thread: Immigration interview at UK airport

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Babygirljen's Avatar
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    Immigration interview at UK airport

    Hi guys! I'm here again asking for help, commenta and reassurance.

    It's just that I'm a bit worried coz I and my fiance are going to Philippines in November and someone told me that I might get interviewed by an immigration officer at the airport as I hold a Limited leave to remain visa.

    What would be their possible questions? I mean I have legal documents, but I still get worried. I came here as a student then I applied for further leave to remain on human rights (private life). I got refused then appealed and brought this to court.

    My appeal was allowed so that I and my fiance can get married then I will be able to apply for a spouse visa. This is also stated on the judge's determination letter.

    What would be their possible questions and what's the best way to respond?

    Thank you in advance.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Tricky Jen, but I'm sure someone will give you any relevant information that you require, good luck!

  3. #3
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    Can you clarify exactly which visa you hold?
    Is it Spouse Visa or Fiancee Visa or something else?
    Does the visa have any special restrictions, or is it just the standard issue?

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Babygirljen's Avatar
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    Hi Terpe, I hold a Limited leave to Remain visa for 2 years - expiring in November 2015. Restrictions are only 'no recourse to public funds'. It says on my Residence Card that I am allowed to work. As HO refused my application on private life, I went to court to appeal and my appeal was allowed. Judge said they'll give me limited leave for 2 years, so by that time we can get married and apply for a Spouse Visa which will be then under Immigration Rules not Human Rights.

    We're not married yet, as he's coming with me to Philippines to get the blessing from my mother. We're getting married next year.

    Anyway, what do "changes to circumstances" mean? Coz somebody said if there are any changes to circumstances and I didn't notify the HO, then immigration officers can cancel my visa.

  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Babygirljen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Tricky Jen, but I'm sure someone will give you any relevant information that you require, good luck!
    Thank you, this forum has been very helpful to me in so many ways...

  6. #6
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Babygirljen View Post
    Hi Terpe, I hold a Limited leave to Remain visa for 2 years - expiring in November 2015. Restrictions are only 'no recourse to public funds'. It says on my Residence Card that I am allowed to work. As HO refused my application on private life, I went to court to appeal and my appeal was allowed. Judge said they'll give me limited leave for 2 years, so by that time we can get married and apply for a Spouse Visa which will be then under Immigration Rules not Human Rights.

    We're not married yet, as he's coming with me to Philippines to get the blessing from my mother. We're getting married next year.

    Anyway, what do "changes to circumstances" mean? Coz somebody said if there are any changes to circumstances and I didn't notify the HO, then immigration officers can cancel my visa.
    I believe you have been granted a Further Leave to Remain visa.
    Changes to circumstances: If you do not pursue to marry till November 2015 then you have to notify the HO, so as not to revoke your leave to remain.
    Immigration interview is very brief and straight forward , no need to worry about it if you got nothing to hide..good luck!!
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

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