Project Filipino - just how much does it really cost ?

Initial estimates UK 15,000 to UK 20,000 or PHP 1.4 Million to Php 1.9 Million.

A couple of years ago, I wrote a piece about the real costs of courting a Filipino citizen long distance, it was transferred over from the old version of the forum we had before, so I was having a think today about renewing some of this information, plus there are many new members on the forum, and since then we have acquired lots of new interested ones.

I am now compiling a new timeline of the true costs of project Philippines, I am sure you will all have a laugh at this read on and have fun.

The object of compiling this new post is to go over some of the experiences I have had, and those of some of my close freinds and colleagues who have shared there experiences with me over the last couple of years.

<div align="center">PROJECT PHILIPPINES</div align>

Stage 1 - Introduction to Project Philippines - Sparring and teasers

The first stage is often not taken into consideration, but there is some cost involved, although not always factored in, sparring is a term often used to describe the initital stages that couples go through when the guy pushes out the teasers to see whether the object of his teasers is interested.

1. Costs of memberships of online dating portals, such as FH CB or AE
(Filipinaheart) (Asianeuro) (Cherry Blossoms) and such as these, cost can be around UK30.00 for a limited number of months memberships.

At this stage there is hardly any noticable impact on your wallet, but hold on...its early days as yet.

2. You decide to start calling her, see increases in your cellphone bill, at 25p per international text, you can spend sometimes UK400.00 a month alone on just texting, dont poo poo it, I know of someone last month who spent over £400.00 on just texting his girl in the Philippines.

3. You start to call her on the 0871 10p or the 7p per minute numbers, these look like a local call on your landline, with BT or NTL or other provider, they can start to increase your landline bill by 70 per cent a month, average costs per month are around £60.00 to £80.00 and that is based on saying good morning to her for about 10 minutes when you wake up to get ready for work, and lncludes saying goodnight to her before you go to bed as she wakes up in the morning.

4. Skype, assuming she is online, (but what if she is not), you can talk for free on skype, but the reality is much different when you consider at the times when you want to reach her, she is not available, or their is a brownout, or the broadband is down, or someone nicked the cables for the broadband in her area.

That normally means it takes PLDT or Bayantel or GLOBE 6 weeks to repair the nicked cables, so you call her on her cellphone on T2 Phone cards or other phone card provider.

Cost of Phone cards, between £10.00 to £20.00 per day, depending on how love sick you are...I know of one British guy who spends about £80.00 a week on phone cards, calls his girl about 4 times a day, and chats on average for about 1 hour per call.

5. Internet charges - broadband fixed fee per month £10.00 to £29.00 depending on deal, one guy I know spends 8 hours a day chatting to his girl, although its free, he upped his bandwidth package from £10.00 to £29.00 on BT Total Broadband Option 4, thus with advance charges and V.A.T. his quarterly bill is over £200.00 with 0871 numbers to call Philippine landlines and mobiles.

Remember you lot out there - this is only the sparring stage, she hasnt said yes to you yet ! And contrary to what you might think, you have no idea whether this is the one as yet, and you have not met.

Stage 2 - The Initial meeting in Philippines

1. Your first vacation fly/try to meet your loved one, this is a requirement that you must have met your intended, this is the minimum requirement for a VAF2 2004 Fiancee visa.

Round trip air tickets to Philippines to Manila/Cebu, between £600.00 to £1000.00 depending on duration of visit, time of year etc.

Accomodation costs in Manila/Cebu/Davao/CGO/Gensan/Tagbiliran/Tacloban/Dumaguete/Bacolod/Zamboanga/Naga/ etc hotel rooms for a 3 week stay around £300.00

Food for your visit x 2, because not only do you require funds for your costs, you must remember, you will also pay for your little flowers costs as well, and her brothers, and her sisters, and her Mothers and her Fathers, unless your girl is an orphan, you need a minimum of £2000.00 for a 3 week flytry.

Any Flytry would not be complete without a trip to Boracay, cost of flights on Asian Spirit to Boracay from Cebu or Manila, costs around £50.00 a return flight, for the two of you, hotel accomodation in Boracay, costs again around £25.00 a night, drinks, meals, boat trips, massages, shopping.

Honey I must have a new cellphone !

A Cellphone for your girl, latest phone, camera phone, latest gadgets, not the old style, they dont want it if its old, they want the latest, costs around £150.00 to £300.00 depending on features, no contracts generally purchased on pay as you go, she will want to be contactable for you.

Gifts and tokens of intent to enter into binding courtship with a view to marriage.

1. Chocolates - Thornton's chocolates or Swiss style chocolates to give to her and her siblings and Tito's and Tita's and cousins.

2. M&M's Chocolates (not bought in Philippines or at NAIA) purchased in UK and carried, good to give out to all the family.

3. Fragrances - purchased in London signature labels, not sub-prime names, from Perfume shops etc, good to give out to Tita's and Sisters of lady.
Fushion power razors, with spare blades, around a fiver a pack, with Shaving cream good for giving out to Tito's (uncles), Tatay (Father) and Kuya's (brothers).
4. Watches, things of E-bay, again good to give siblings such as kuya's (brothers).
5. Canned goods - Tins of Corned Beef, Salami, Corned Beef Hash, Tinned Sardines, a clear winner with Tatay's (Father of the lady)
6. Soaps and shampoos purchased in UK, from boot fairs and flea markets, lots of them, take extra suitcase full of these if you can. (give to your lady - she will distribute for you)
7. Toothpaste, battery operated toothbrushes, get 20 or so for about £3.00 each, again your lady will give them out for you, dont worry, she will find a home for them.
8. England football shirts with 3 lions logo, from sports and soccer, all sizes, small medium and also smaller sizes if possible for nephews in family.
9. T Shirts, all sizes, S M L preferably from London with London motifs on, very good for giving out to family - highly prized (not bought in Philippines) ( bought by you in UK)
10. Deodorant sprays, colognes, after shaves, UK Branded lables, not Filipino, must be purchased by you in UK, highly prized for Brothers, Fathers, Uncles and Nephews.
11.Toblerone chocolate bars, Cadbury's Heroes, Quality Street, Mint chocolates, anything like these, again only from UK.
12. Ear ring sets, fashion ones, accessories, make up sets, again good for female family members, like cousins, Tita's Sisters etc.

All of the above or some of them will be purchased by you at some stage during the courtship, they are generally a demonstration of your regard and respect for the extended family, the thing is, they all cost money.

Stage 3 - Maintaining your girl now she is your fiancee or regular GF

1. Phone bills continue to rise, texting, calling, phone cards, flowers for suprises, gifts by fedex DHL.

2. Monthly allowance for your girl - Php 10,000 to Php 30,000 or if you have deep pockets, Php 50,000 and above. This varies according to affordability.

3. Nail treatments, Hair and beauty treatments, shoes, clothes, all have to be new, she is with a British now, you dont want people to think you cannot afford to maintain her.

Stage 4 - The Marriage in the Philippines Vacation.

1. A Return trip should you choose to marry in the Philippines, this could include Round Trip air tickets, Accommodation, Food, Honeymoon, Wedding costs, etc the cost for this one off expense is around UK 3000.00 to UK 5000.00.

2. Passport photos needed along the way. UK 10.00
3. Passport photos required for you in various forms needed by authorities in Philippines around UK 15.00
4. Cost of submitting An Application on VAFW 2004 for Spouse visa, Php 50,000 or UK 550.00.
5. Cost of obtaining a CNI (Certificate of no Impediment to marriage) in UK, the cost is around £30.00
6. Cost of obtaining a local CNI (Legal Capacity for marriage) in the Philippines - cost will be around £25.00
7. Cost of round trip tickets for you and your loved one to travel from Provinces to attend CFO Seminar (Commission for Filipinos overseas) in Manila/Cebu including hotel. Cost around £150.00
8Cost of CFO Seminar £2.00
9. Cost of new Passport for your loved one, approximately £35.00
10. Cost of Applying for duplicate birth certificates at NSO (National Statistics office) in Philippines is circa £25.00
11. Cost of Marriage License in locality of Marriage if in Philippines £35.00
Cost of Air Ticket for your loved one to Come to UK once visa is approved, from £650.00 to £1000.00

Stage 5 - Project Philippines gets ready for UK arrival.

1. One time cost of buying warm clothes associated with her transit to a colder climate, new Boots, winter clothes, jackets, coats, umbrella, mittens, scarf, woollies, Electric blanket for the bed,

2. Money for a Rice cooker ! £25-45.00
3. Cost of round trip ticket for possible 2nd visit to be available to British Embassy should your presence be required at interview for settlement (VAF2004) Cost including hotels, food, gifts, expenses, £2000-£3000.

4. Despedida de Soltera, (leaving party and goodbye to singleness for the Filipina)

She might want to throw a leaving party for all her friends, work colleagues, and family cost likely to be around £50.00 to £150.00

Arrival in UK

1. Budget for increased telephone usage during first few months when she arrives in UK - calling cards, BT, NTL World, etc, bills increase rapidly cost around £100-£400.00 per month, it soon adds up. Try to use SKYPE.

2. Costs of obtaining special foods for her like, trips to Manila Supermarket, trips to fish markets, etc, obtaining Asian foods, extra cost £100.00 per month. (Filipino branded products are expensive and are imported.)

3. Costs of her own special allowance if on Fiancee visa, (she cannot work) around £50.00 to £250.00 depending on your finances and generosity.

4. Driving lessons if she has a desire to learn to drive on UK roads, £1000.00 to £3000.00 over a 1 year period for driving lessons.

5. Extra insurances for your car, upping your no claims bonus premium from reasonable to extortionate.

6. Heavens forbid she wants a new car, costs for a used car from £1500.00 to £4000.00 or a new car, £7000.00 to £15000.00

7, Increased costs of showing her around, trips to the Capital, Costs of initial 2 months together, entertainment, showing her around, taking her to London, or Manchester or Sheffield, or Cardiff, or Birmingham, or Edinbrough or Glasgow, etc etc, in other words, its costs money to take her around, your visits to places you dont normally go will increase, you have to factor in, that your initial 6 months will be a new time for her.

Stage 6 - The real life commences - Miss Bilmoko !

1. Shopping trips to the mall, forget walks in the country, english historical sites, pubs by the sea, castles and country houses, strolls down the country lane, cycling, walking, get your wallet ready.

2. Bags, shoes, tops, jeans, trousers, shoes, and more shoes, belts, acccessorize, fragrances, boots high leg, be prepared to buy new high leg boots, and a partridge in a pear tree.

3. Remittances back home for urgent requests.

Expect to have to send some money back home to Philippines for susento for the extended family, dont think it wont happen to you, or my girl never asks me for anything.

Sustento, write it in your diary, it can be from £100.00 to £250.00 per month.

4. Extra sustento for life threatening emergencies, such as Doctor bill, hospital fees, surgeons fees, broken roofs, typhoon damage, sick caribao vet bills ( that was my joke) they dont really ask you for that.

5. The investing Filipina - Honey we should get into real estate.

Consider money for house and lot, but more for multiple lots, investment property, gold jewellry for investment purposes.

Swarosvki, Tagheuer watches, Calvin Klein, Armani, Juicy Couture, Mulberry, Chloe, and Dolce and Gabanna, 14 or 18 carat gold items in case of financial difficulty, they can always be pawned when money is short.

6. Be prepared for the jeepney business, or the tricylce business, put money aside for purchasing a tri-cycle for brother, or a female caribao for the family.

I cant think of anything further, but last but not least, the anulment, you might have to stump up a further Php 180,000 to 220,000 for her anulment, and just hope you are not one of them.

If anyone can think of anything else, I am all ears, Ive seen it all and Ive witnessed it all.

Best of luck those who come after me...

Now what did I say was it 15,000 or 20,000


In august this year, I was sitting with a friend of mine from the British expat community in Bacolod City, Visayas, we were sitting in Bobs having a coffee, when all of sudden we noticed an American sitting at a table having a coke, about 5 minute later we observed a young Filipina come in to see him and sat at his table, they exchanged eye contact, a little chikka, and then she ordered a drink.

You could see he was excited to see her, she was fluttering her eyelids, he was all smiles, they had obviously just met, maybe he had come to Phils just to see her for his fly/try.

My good freind John, who is in his 70's and has lived in Philippines for about 10 years leaned over and said, "You know Pete, I do hope that girl is an orphan for his sake

The 2 of us gave out a huge laughter and carried on, lamenting on the fact, that our girls families were very compact and small, and we thank God for being so fortunate in that situation.