Hi guys!..Haven't been active here for ages but this forum has always been a big part of our visa application. So thank you very much again for all the helpful people in here and for all the helpful information.
We booked my ILR application appointment in PEO Sheffield on Sat July 19 at 1:20pm. Arrived around 1:10pm. checked by the guards and x-rayed our bag/things. If you got bottled water/drinks that is already opened, you have to drink some in front of the guards for security purposes I think.. After the inspection we have to go straight to the reception and give our documents. The woman at the reception said my docs are really organised, so that made me relieved for a bit. Checked our passports and docs, asked when have we taken our photos and asked if all our supporting docs was there. Wrapped all our docs, gave us a number and waited to be called. She didn't ask for photocopied docs, so I just mentioned that I have photocopied docs then she just includes it and put note as photocopied.
These are the docs that I have submitted (one folder for original and one folder for photocopies). I have put bookmarks on each section (i.e. finances, life in the uk test, letters (2012, 2013,2014) etc.)
1. Our passports
2. Printed payment sheet when we booked our appointment online £1493. (No need to submit the payment sheet page included in the application form)
3. Application form (Set M)
4. Hubbys birth certificate (i've just included it eventhough he has passport) and our marriage certificate
5. Finances and accomodation
- hubbys 3months recent payslips and my 3months recent payslips
- hubbys recent bank statements and my recent bank statements
- we've included tenancy agreement named after hubbys parents and a letter from his parent that we live in that address
6. Life in the UK Test Certificate
7. IELTS English Language Test
8. Letters
- we don't have letters both in our names and we dont have letter bills or council tax letters either, so we just gather all our individual letters spread from year 2012-2014 (same home address) then I just sectioned it by year. I dont know how much we have submitted but maybe around 40-50 letters (maybe a bit too much though :-D). Letters from GP registration, national insurance no., drivers license, letters from doctor, letters from dentist, bank statements, pet insurance letters, p60 letters, letters from work, and cards sent by mail.
Waited for about 30-40mins to be called for biometric (fingerprints and photo).. afterwards, the man who has taken my biometric said go back to waiting area and wait for my number to be called. There's also a tv screen where you can see which progress your application at (i.e. waiting biometric registration, case under consideration etc.)..
We are pleased that the decision for my application seems fast. Its raining outside that day so we just decided to wait inside. Me and hubby just played some games on phone while waiting. About 3pm my number been called, the woman said all documents have been submitted and my ILR has been approved.. Whoop Woop!.... she handed me over the approval letter and gave back all my original documents.. have to double check my name that will appear on my biometric card then sign..
After 3 working days i have received my BRP through mail.. I thought someone would have to receive and sign for it but it was just left through our door.. anyways, at least we received it..
That's it!.. I think I've written too long now. Sorry about that and thanks for reading..
We hope this will give an idea for other people who will apply for ILR and if someone needs help/questions we are willing to help the best we can..
Thanks a lot!!!
Mary & Drew