Could someone advise if its better to hand write a supporting letter or type it?
Could someone advise if its better to hand write a supporting letter or type it?
I prefer typewritten then signed...
Unless penmanship is legible but I do prefer typewritten if facility/equipment is provided...
Oh well, the content and information are more important than anything else.
Hi Jamz,
Thanks for your quick reply. I think thats what my fiance going to do ..
Imagine, even the VAF forms, they are now converting everything online to become handy for everyone so you can see how they really are committed to transforming everything as the things we will be submitting them... jUST dont forget that it should be signed by him before he sends it.
Hei when i passed my application i made it hand written, and i put a supporting letter( also hand written ) to prove that our realtion is genuine.
Good luck girl
Thanks Rosedave. Congrats to both of you.
thanks vbkelly
hi Bridget, it doesn't matter whether handwritten or typewritten as long as it can be easily read and written legibly..since in this modern days computers and other technologies are easily accessible..
Goodluck on ur application..when do u plan to lodge it?
Hi Kimmi thanks for your reply.
Yes right, it doesn`t matter weather handwritten or typewritten, although in my previous visa application my fiance did in handwritten, but since this time his supporting letter is a long one as he have to mention from the beginning of our relationship and with more than four years were on he end up with a long supporting letter, despite he summarized it. Im nervous and of course very excited coz now Im going to apply in a different category. I`ve been in the UK before in a visit visa.
Hopefully will lodge my visa application this month.
Thanks again.
I would go for typed or more to the point word processed to ensure no mistakes no errors with the grammar etc. You need to make sure that the cover letter is easy to understand as im sure they merely speed read them just to check all is ok.
Also so you have exact copy you can send to your Mahal in the UK so he can help proof check it.
Good luck and im sure people on here will happyily asist if you need help writing it
hi bridget
there is a good example on this forum written by eljean, which i used to get me going then added to it over time
regards martin
Hello Bridget, better typewritten bcoz its clear a presentable.
Hi Guyz,I hope you all feel great today.
Yesterday, I was filling up the fiancee visa application form. Theres a portion in the form that have to answer yes or no and should check the box if it is yes or no, but by accident I check the wrong one, I just wondered if its allowed to have a bit of erasure in the application form or should I just need to get a new form to start again? Im still using the old form issue Oct2006 and I did nt have the guidance note so I m not sure if I have to check the box or cross, the portion where I have to answer yes or no?
Another Question, how much evidence did you submiitted together with your application? I have here all the cards,postcards ,photographs and letters that I keep from year 2003 to present including those letters and cards from my fiance`s family. I wonder how much stuff should I submit to prove our relationships is genuine, I have also the receipts from Western Union. I made a small photo album consist of our photographs taken in different countries and years. Do you think this is all enough? Are they going to return all these photographs and cards after the visa issued?
Thank you very much
Hello Bridget,
I am sure you have quite a lot of evidence already as you are communicating with your fiancé for the past 4 years already.
With my experience before by year 2005 when I apply for a tourist visa, they would want the documents in a folder and pictures in an ALBUM are okey.
But this time it is different, they just put ALL the originals in 1 long colored envelope and 1 envelope for ALL the photocopies. With the pictures they no longer received the ALBUM so with my case I had to take it one by one from the album pages. It is still best to carry as much evidence as we can but sometimes they are returning some when it is already very bulky. Best to sort your document according to the CHECKLIST provided by the Embassy.
But since I have 3 applications (mine and children) so that she added 1 short envelope for the documents but she she return some as it could not be fitted anymore.
Good Luck Bridget! I am sure you will get your visa with out interview just like others here.
A relationship founded in GOD will last forever and will always compromise trust and happiness, as all good thoughts are derived from wisdom and faith,and trust .
I mean added 1 long envelope for the documents ( not short)
A relationship founded in GOD will last forever and will always compromise trust and happiness, as all good thoughts are derived from wisdom and faith,and trust .
hi Bridget,
Put all the documents which u think can help ur application as many as the docs possible..good luck opn ur application..![]()
Thanks Cinmickey and Kimmi.
when are u going to submit sis?good luck on ur application..![]()
Hi Kimmi, we aim to lodge it before the 9th of November. How` s your application now? I hope you have the good news very soon. Nakaka tense Noh...
good luck sis..still I havent heard anything about my application, and i havent followed up it yet..i''ll be on my 5th week this week and hopefully i'll get a positive result soon..
it is very stressing and the waiting time is really kinda pressuring..i really hope i get it maybe in 6 weeks like other friends here..
i know everything will be ok with u sis just make sure u put all the docs which u think will many as possible..![]()
Goodluck to us Kimmi, Thank you
Good luck on ur application Bridget. Hope i'll be doing that soon too.
Hope u'll hear from the embassy soon Kimmi.
God Bless to us all.
Faith makes all things possible.
makes them easy.
Thank you Empott.
Kimmi I am really crossing my fingers for you, because I like you very much on this forum, you are a valued member, so best of luck...I cant wait to welcome you into UK...little sister..
Pete_Forum Moderator
Philippines marriage, Courtships, UK Entry Clearance
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