Face book the best thing invented for a long time if used properly, if not its the worst thing ever,
Face book the best thing invented for a long time if used properly, if not its the worst thing ever,
Farce Book
Indeed! To me FB is one of the most easiest way of communication between me and my family in Davao. Its just majority of my siblings are on it and they can easily update me with my daughter's achievement at school etc. I guess as you say, use it the wrong way then its the worst thing ever invented.
Don't use it, don't want to use it, if I want to communicate with family or friends I will phone them, Skype or facetime.....
It's been invaluable for me to keep in touch with my wife.
I make a rule not to put stuff on it I don't want people knowing.... I never air my dirty washing in public so to speak.
I think it's wonderful .
Just learn how to use the privacy settings.![]()
Yes it's a great tool that gets better and better,just as graham says set your privacy setting correctly and no problem.
I will be taking my grand-daughter to Escape on Sunday and the pics of her playing will be seen by the Family withing seconds of me taking them - Amazing![]()
Xscape in Castleford, the indoor winter sports centre ?...just to save any confusion.![]()
Yes well spotted Graham plus I spelt it wrong
I often drive past it.![]()
I have a facebook account but do not use it a lot. I am not in to advertising my life on there to the world. The settings are a right pain as well.
Me neither.![]()
Too much showing off on Facebook, don't use it because it's not safe!
I love showing off on Facebook.![]()
god knows if it was,nt for facebook I think i,d cracked up by now lol helps me to keep in touch with lots of family and friends that I would otherwise fail to engage with ,as i,m not a very good talker but like to blab away on the keyboard because you have time to think before you type lol too many times i,ve been talking to people and said something stupid then thinking I,d wished I,d never said that haha too late
I would probably use Facebook a little if I knew how to make it safe!![]()
I should add to my previous post, that if it hadn't been for facebook I would never have kept up my chats with Harlene. Which means I would never have got married to her and never have a baby on the way.....
Facebook is a safe as you make it and if you want to show off then do, if you don't then don't....
I have added a couple of people from here that asked a while ago that want to chat about my experience in getting married in Philippines, I'm happy to help if I can... I've also added people from a running forum I am a member off, so it is good for all sorts other than just a tool to keep in touch with old, current and new friends or family. Plus I get to beat everyone at some of the games lol
But it's like everything in life, some people love certain things and others hate them....
Very easy Michael,basically set up a Facebook account and you can choose how public you want to be.At first it might be best to make it virtually private,then you can choose what friends and relatives you choose to add.It's really simple-if you don't get into it you can simply de-activate your account.
It's not the monster portrayed on here and i would not be without it.
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