Quote Originally Posted by melovesengland View Post
Like I said both of them provide same test materials and conduct test procedures. Interviewers vary yes but they follow the same format on interviewing the test takers.

My interviewer was an American bloke who was married with a filipina that resides in Bohol. He was nice, very chatty and he made me feel comfy and confident. Don't believe the rumours that say filo interviewers give low scores, that's just a load of nonsense.
CORRECT! My interviewer was Chinese but very fluent in English. She made me feel I was just talking to my American boss in the US, which was a very good thing for me. It doesn't matter who the interviewer is. If you can speak English, then there's no problem. They have a criteria to follow so the scores I'm sure won't be biased. I chose IDP in Makati because it was just walking distance from my work.