Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
Really quick one, hopefully you won't be faced with this, but we had a right job getting registered at the doctors surgery. The dragon on reception just wouldn't accept the law that we were entitled to register there.

Even when confronted with the evidence, she said "well just this once I'll let you". People on here said I should have reported her to the NHS, but I just didn't want to make a fuss.

Fact is, you are entitled to register and access the NHS, and do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

Welcome to the sunny UK by the way. It's definitely more fun here
It was happen to me 6 years ago when I was trying to registered to my GP the reception( doesn't aware with this kind of thing). They just says right in to my face I'm not entitled. Was so frustrating we went to job centre and ask a letter to proof that I'm entitle but then they won't accept the letter. It was so hassle we end up told the job centre people to give the surgery a call. Then they said I need to get NI first which I did and give it to them..