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Thread: Staying in phil.

  1. #1
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    Staying in phil.

    It looks like many girls are leaving their families in Phil to marry and live abroad in order to survive, hope to get a job and send cash home to their hungry families, have a better standard of life and in some cases bitterly regret doing so. The terrible stress and crying leaving home in some cases never to see their families again, the high cost of travel and expense trying to get a passport and visa seem impossible to achieve. Could we find a way to stop all the suffering by sending these kind people a moneygram each week to pay for rice, vegetables, electricity, water, medical bills, internet and travel? How about buying them farm land so they can grow their own food and stay home with their loved ones? My friend Melrose, married, lives in USA, visited her family in Phil, returned home and is crying again for her family. Can we do something to stop the misery?

  2. #2
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherelyn View Post
    It looks like many girls are leaving their families in Phil to marry and live abroad in order to survive, hope to get a job and send cash home to their hungry families, have a better standard of life and in some cases bitterly regret doing so. The terrible stress and crying leaving home in some cases never to see their families again, the high cost of travel and expense trying to get a passport and visa seem impossible to achieve. Could we find a way to stop all the suffering by sending these kind people a moneygram each week to pay for rice, vegetables, electricity, water, medical bills, internet and travel? How about buying them farm land so they can grow their own food and stay home with their loved ones? My friend Melrose, married, lives in USA, visited her family in Phil, returned home and is crying again for her family. Can we do something to stop the misery?
    If one is miserable and always crying to go home to Philippines, should do just that!

  3. #3
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Not exactly sure what you're asking

    Are you suggesting setting up some sort of charity, or is there some other motive?

  4. #4
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    The Philippine Islands are the most beautiful place on earth so why leave it? The Summer months in the UK are nice but it does not last long and the Winter months are very cold so people stay indoors to stay warm, what a waste of life. We hope to have more rice and coconut fields soon and build more native palm tree houses by the sea rent free so that kind people can stay in Phil with their families. I will send photos when it is finished, Mike.

  5. #5
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherelyn View Post
    It looks like many girls are leaving their families in Phil to marry and live abroad in order to survive, hope to get a job and send cash home to their hungry families, have a better standard of life and in some cases bitterly regret doing so. The terrible stress and crying leaving home in some cases never to see their families again, the high cost of travel and expense trying to get a passport and visa seem impossible to achieve. Could we find a way to stop all the suffering by sending these kind people a moneygram each week to pay for rice, vegetables, electricity, water, medical bills, internet and travel? How about buying them farm land so they can grow their own food and stay home with their loved ones? My friend Melrose, married, lives in USA, visited her family in Phil, returned home and is crying again for her family. Can we do something to stop the misery?
    Leaving home and family for a better life is their choice, make your bed you lie in it.

    I left my family friends, and everything I own to come here marry and live with my wife in Phil, my choice my decision.

    Ask those who are in power to make better the lives of those in Phil.

  6. #6
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    I blame the catholic church and the Phils govt.

    Corruption is everywhere, and while the voting public are prepared to turn a blind eye to it, accept bribes for their votes, or participate in it, not much will change.

    There are 10 million OFWs who have also chosen to live and work away from their families. Presumably they have the same problems as those who marry poriners and go live in cold miserable countries with horrible husbands ?

    In the end, as they say in the Phils..."it's up to you".

  7. #7
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I blame the catholic church and the Phils govt.

    Corruption is everywhere, and while the voting public are prepared to turn a blind eye to it, accept bribes for their votes, or participate in it, not much will change.

    There are 10 million OFWs who have also chosen to live and work away from their families. Presumably they have the same problems as those who marry poriners and go live in cold miserable countries with horrible husbands ?

    In the end, as they say in the Phils..."it's up to you".

  8. #8
    Respected Member sweet_mazza's Avatar
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    Life is what you make it

    Its not the Church or the Government! ITS THE VOTERS!!!

    These brainless voters who keep voting corrupt politicians. Just like in Manila. They voted Erap who was impeached from presidency due to corruption.

    I would suggest that only tax payers are allowed to vote!
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherelyn View Post
    ......... Can we do something to stop the misery?
    I personally haven't experienced that nor do I recognise those circumstances described, except in a small minority of cases where I've found that the husband hasn't had intention, ethics, morality or intelligence to stand up to the mark.

    I've spent a great deal of time since arriving back to UK in 2002 in helping folks who find themselves in such relationships.

    Just my 2 centavos

  10. #10
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherelyn View Post
    The Philippine Islands are the most beautiful place on earth so why leave it?

    I believe most people who have left the Philippines or have been lucky enough to visit there would want to be heading back there as soon as possible. I also believe most people if they had the resources would want to remain there.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  11. #11
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    How about buying them farm land so they can grow their own food and stay home with their loved ones?
    Oh dear!

    You really are very naive.

    I used to be too and have tried what you suggested over the years,spending 1000`s of pounds building them poultries, piggeries, sending them BB boxes full of seed etc etc..

    Fortunately for my wife and I, we were young enough to recover financially from those ridiculous ideas!

    My Mrs tried very hard to warn me at the time that these projects were doomed from the start.

    I learned the hard way.
    Your turn!

  12. #12
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    I used to own a house worth £300,000, and that would now be paid for...before I started 'investing' in the Phils.

    Done my bit.

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