Originally posted by ginapeterb@Jan 7 2006, 02:45 PM
Hello Equalizer,

You cannot explain your relationship with a Philippines lady to xenophobic people, they will never understand, just try to defend her, but if you cant get anywhere, drop those so called "mates" and move on, thats the best advice I could give, everyone who is xenophobic or small minded will always think that your GF is just after a visa and money, best of luck Equalizer, stay with the guys here on this forum, you will be much better off.

I don't believe anyone on this forum fits that mould, but I generally find most all English people are like it to a certain degree. I left England 15 years ago to get away from the xenophobic sad mentality of the average Brit, but ended up moving back after 12 years for some silly reason. Nothing had changed, just got worse if anything.

I don't even go to pubs anymore, as nobody I meet there will have anything of interest to say to me. Most are too tied up in their own little English world to listen to anything I have to say about my 15 years travelling the globe. Any conversation usually devolves to football, house prices or drinking. I do love people watching though. I'll spend hours sitting in a cafe or bar somewhere, just to observe the small image that people carry around to present to others, rather like a snail with it's 'image' on it's back, to crawl into when need be. If they don't realise you are watching they will lower their shell for a while and expose the naked ape underneath.

I've been to 38 countries so far, some for a day, some for years, but sometimes I feel that I haven't learned anything through travelling, except a general dislike for people. I thought I really would gain a greater understanding of what makes people tick, but it was the opposite; the more I learned about the world and its occupants, the more I felt I didn't understand it.



Jeez, that got awful philosophical all of a sudden. Must be the overdose of Lemsip capsules and Salabat Ginger Tea I brought back from the Philippines with me :(

I picked up a bug from the air con in the hotel and I feel like $hit now :(