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Thread: ignorant know-it-alls

  1. #61

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    Quote Originally Posted by Philip View Post
    I get crappy comments like that about my so called "mail order bride from Thailand!" Thailand!?!?! etc just about every day at work.

    To begin with it really got to me, I work in Royal Mail and despite all their efforts for equality etc it's still a haven for racist ignorant assholes, but I refuse to let them get to me now.
    Same thing happened to my wife just recently,of which ive just been informed.We were at a friends birthday party and Maricel went into the kitchen only to hear people saying that she is only using me.She did'nt tell me as she knew i would confront them head on,she was right.It does hurt to hear these things more so for Maricel,even now.Sometimes she does'nt want to come and meet certain friends because of it.To this day she still will not tell me who said it,personally i want to confront them on this issue and have my two pence worth.Ijust don't like people to get away with thing's,i would be happy to let thing's go if it did,nt affect my wife but it doe's but what can i do ?

  2. #62
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Thing is, it's not always racism, more jealousy......they are probably stuck with fat ugly useless wives, while you have to put up with a Goddess
    I agree 100% with Keith's comment here - and I am sure that all our brothers here have their own Goddess. Let the racist morons rot in hell.


  3. #63
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Let the racist morons rot in hell.

    I don't like the French....better put a fireproof blanket in my coffin just in case
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #64
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    It might be too late to react but I cant help it! Why they pick on Asians and Filipinas when your own UK women wont just let go off their husband even after the divorce and settlement has been paid. Ha! Ha! Specially if the Brits male got married to an asian, the ex wife and the kids has special skills on extertions. Mind you, they even get government support. Filipinas are born with their eyes open to circumstances of not getting anything from a Filipino husband when he decided to go for someone (specially if the pinoy got someone younger). And in some cases that I have seen....with apologies to all, some men married to Filipina dont even deserve their wives. Tell your friend to get himself an english la di da

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