Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno @ May 5 2006, 10:30 PM
On my recent trip to the Philippines i met an American guy on the ferry who was going to the same city where my wife lives. He said he was going to meet a girl he had met on the net but as he was staying at the same hotel that both Rhea and myself where staying i got to know more about him and i could not believe how gullible he was.

The story goes that he had started to get to know a girl he met on the net and over a period of two years had sent this girl $4,000 without ever meeting her. They had started to plan their lives together and the money i guess was towards the wedding plans but to cut down the story he found out that the girl was in fact a Gay Man and he was actually going to track this guy down and try and get his money back. The last i heard he had just handed over another 50,000 pesos to a lawyer who promised that he would be able to get all his money back. This American i thought would have caught on when he asked "what name shall i send you the money" (via western union) and the answer came back" Rudolf," but he kept sending the money anyway.

Fools and their money are easy parted
You wonder how many more cases there are like that, and what effect it has... And how the hell they could get into that situation in the first place... Incidents like that sadden me... but make me realise how fortunate some of us are...

Ivor and Mel