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Thread: How much for a Martian?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
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    How much for a Martian?

    I have been looking at the site today and also reading everyone's favourite Dracula quotes Theresa May (see quote from her in paper)

    Now unless I have gone totally doolally which is possible I am understanding it that the man in this country - or woman I suppose - who wishes to marry someone from outside of the EU they have to earn a minimum of £20,000 p.a. to bring a 'WIFE' into this country. I can understand the benefits angle they are using in that they do not wish them to claim benefits. But surely no one is going to come into the country expecting to live on fresh air anyhow are they?

    No man is going to get married to a woman from outside the EU and bring her here knowing full well that she cannot get benefits and expecting her to survive on grass and roots.

    The thing that gripes me is, there are so many people in this country who are on the minimum wage of just over £13k p.a. and I am talking about 1.3 million people here on the min wage. Obviously not all looking for partners abroad we know that.

    Now that is the minimum wage and the gap between that and the 20k she says you have to earn is a massive gap, so many, many more people are excluded from marrying someone outside the EU and bringing them here to live.

    Now apparently they can come in here on their own volition as long as they are doing jobs that the Gov say they want people for and they will earn a min of £35k !!!!

    So this is just a bloody good moan about the bog standard attitude of the present Gov towards the lower paid and anyone up to £19,999 in that their lives regarding loving a foreigner from outside the EU will be governed by the Gov. Thou shalt not marry a foreigner unless you have a very good wage. Ignoring the fact that many millions of families in this country live quite happily on less than 20k. Methinks there is something wrong there somehow.

    Gripe and moan finished.

  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    When I first brought my Mrs to the UK neither of us had work..
    And now look at us!!

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    £13k or £20k - if you love your lady then do some overtime for 6 months. Get a second job on a Sunday. You only have to do it temporarily to get 6 months worth of pay slips showing what would equal £20k. Anyone can do this.

    My kid Brother does it for fun (and he's not 'saving' for a Filipina btw.). He has an 8-4 weekday job paying good money (well over the £20k figure), but since he's single and available he chooses to work another job 8am to 6pm for 2 Sundays a Month. He then also works for a private chauffeur company doing airport runs etc. (his private taxi thingumy license cost around £500). He earns a good £400 a month extra after deductions. Then he also does agency work sometimes running bars at events to add to this. Plus he still has lots of spare time.

  4. #4
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    The article you posted is dated 10 June 2012, meaning it's an old article. The current financial requirement is £18,600.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

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