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Thread: Boris

  1. #31
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    As a Londoner I feel that Boris has failed miserably as London Mayor

    Yes, the deluded public love him as a comical clown, but I feel politicians need more than just a few jokes

    These Tory Toffs have no idea how real people live in today's UK

    They are far removed from normal working people and don't really have a clue as to what's going on

    Sorry Graham, but if you feel that the country needs more ex Etonians in Government from their privileged backgrounds then I totally disagree

    Cameron has more than enough cronies surrounding him already

    Boris bikes = too many killed on London's roads
    Boris bus = totally useless overpriced bus and the air con doesn't work (windows can't be opened)
    Boris Island Airport = a total non stater

    Made false promises to London's Fire Brigade and London's Underground workers (before he was elected)

    Failure to answer the London's Assembly members' questions properly on a monthly basis

    He just sits there and is unaccountable for everything...........

    Boris is all about promoting Boris
    Remember there are a few Toffs within other parties also. Having said that, I don't think it's so important what Party is in power any more, I think it's the person running the country that matters!

  2. #32
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    I very much doubt that Boris had anything to do with the design of the bus windows...more likely dictated by some petty H&S EU regulation.

    None of the modern buses I've travelled on in the past few years have had opening windows.

    But...he's an easy target I suppose.

    This class hatred really is illogical and outdated.

  3. #33
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    This class hatred really is illogical and outdated

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Bikes......... How many bikers have been killed on the London roads, and as they're so bad then why are they being introduced across other towns

    Bus........... Overpriced? Is that the bus or the fare? Jeepneys are the answer

    Airport........ is it really such a bad idea, or is it a reaction to BAA saying they'd shut Heathrow if they didn't get their 3rd runway??
    A Boris bus costs £355,000

    Actually encouraging people to use bikes in an already congested city and share the same road space with HGVs is fast becoming a bad idea

    Of course you living in Maidenhead means you're hardly going to be over the moon about Heathrow's expansion (yes it will happen)

    What you nimbys (not in my back yard) dont realize is that everything is already there at Heathrow

    Stanstead Gatwick and Luton are not London airports in my book, they are just too far away and 'Boris Island' would be the same

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Remember there are a few Toffs within other parties also. Having said that, I don't think it's so important what Party is in power any more, I think it's the person running the country that matters!
    No hatred against toffs here i just feel the tories have far too many at the moment

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I very much doubt that Boris had anything to do with the design of the bus windows...more likely dictated by some petty H&S EU regulation.

    None of the modern buses I've travelled on in the past few years have had opening windows.

    But...he's an easy target I suppose.

    This class hatred really is illogical and outdated.
    Nothing to do with class hatred and I actually find Boris amusing sometimes

    Is it too much to ask for someone as an MP who is not so out of touch with todays Uk inhabitants

    These Tory Toffs only started to get anti immigration because Farage gave them a bloody nose

    Of course these old Etonians living in some country estate in the middle of nowhere hardly gives them any idea of what its like to live amongst normal people

  7. #37
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    A Boris bus costs £355,000

    Actually encouraging people to use bikes in an already congested city and share the same road space with HGVs is fast becoming a bad idea

    Of course you living in Maidenhead means you're hardly going to be over the moon about Heathrow's expansion (yes it will happen)

    What you nimbys (not in my back yard) don't realize is that everything is already there at Heathrow

    Stanstead Gatwick and Luton are not London airports in my book, they are just too far away and 'Boris Island' would be the same

    £355,000 for a bus doesn't sound too bad to me, how does this compare to buses in other capital cities

    Heathrow expansion is great Planes are getting bigger and quieter all the time, and I hardly notice them. The main advantage of Heathrow expanding is it creates mores jobs, more jobs means greater demand for houses, and with that and Crossrail coming to Maidenhead I'm quids in

  8. #38
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Nothing to do with class hatred and I actually find Boris amusing sometimes

    Is it too much to ask for someone as an MP who is not so out of touch with todays UK inhabitants

    These Tory Toffs only started to get anti immigration because Farage gave them a bloody nose

    Of course these old Etonians living in some country estate in the middle of nowhere hardly gives them any idea of what it's liketo live amongst normal people
    I'll agree with that because I used to live rural and never set eyes on any foreigners ever in the area I lived!

  9. #39
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    I presume by the that the additional influence is a guess and not a fact Arthur!
    ... fact! Parents were - without exception - from a professional background, amongst those I've encountered.

  10. #40
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... fact! Parents were - without exception - from a professional background, amongst those I've encountered.
    I'm not saying you're wrong Arthur, but I'm sure the press would have a field day if you could provide them with some evidence that a candidate was shown preferential treatment because of their background

  11. #41
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    OT Arthur, but did you look into Sleep Apnoea like I suggested? I don't recall you mentioning it.

  12. #42
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    My brother passed the Cambridge entrance exam and was offered a place.

    He was also offered a place at Sandhurst.

    He decided to take up the offer from the Foreign office, who subsequently sent him to London University.

    We are from a working class background and both attended the same schools.

    (Don't ask where I went wrong )

  13. #43
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Boris WILL become Prime Minister sooner or later - just a matter of time.

  14. #44
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    Boris WILL become Prime Minister sooner or later - just a matter of time.
    Of course Brian!

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    Boris WILL become prime minister sooner or later - just a matter of time.
    I have to agree on that and Cameron probably knows already his days are numbered

  16. #46
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    It's up to the employers/agents/managers/company advertising budgets and paying public how much sports people, entertainers and celebs are paid.

    Market forces.

    In a communist country or a totalitarian state, perhaps things would be different.

    In most cases we can vote with our feet and our wallets.
    I don't pay to go to football matches and pop concerts...or F1, boxing etc.

    Also I don't pay extra for dedicated sports channels or buy products marketed by football clubs etc.
    Totally agree Graham. . And of course I would not vote for bungling Boris or Cameron or any other Tory for that matter. I cant see how a low-paid worker can vote for the Tories. And there are millions of them.

  17. #47
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    Yep...UKIP for me.

    They're backing Boris too.

  18. #48
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    One good thing I feel about Local Government Elections ... IS, that you'll find *residents generally tend to cast their vote in favour of the candidate whom *they believe will be most likely to BEST serve the interests of the Council Ward in which *they live, rather than overly concentrate on the person's political banner!

  19. #49
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    The problem with local elections I find is that the local candidates names are plastered everywhere but they don't name what party they represent, it would be better if they just named the party to vote for!

  20. #50
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    What I find curious is the dislike in this country for people who are well-educated, successful, and strive to maintain high standards of behaviour, along with good moral values.
    I feel I need to take you aside on that one, our kid!

    In a sense, you are right Graham, there are plenty of people out there who don't want to make an effort in life who'll berate anyone who owns something that they'd like out of pure jealousy. Basically they want something for nothing and I don't blame you or anyone else for criticizing these parasites in any shape or form.

    However, there are fair minded individuals like myself who don't have a problem with those who want to better themselves. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Those who we have a problem with are the folk who cross the border into Greedy Street. The type who have an unhealthy sense of entitlement. Michael Caine is a classic example.

    The goon was bleating the other week about having to pay extra tax despite having an estimated fortune of around 75 million dollars. He's got enough money to live very very comfortably on. If I and many others were in his position we'd appreciate what we had.

    Spoilt brats like Caine really do need to get a reality check.

  21. #51
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    I'm happy to say that we are in total agreement.

  22. #52
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    I feel I need to take you aside on that one, our kid!

    In a sense, you are right Graham, there are plenty of people out there who don't want to make an effort in life who'll berate anyone who owns something that they'd like out of pure jealousy. Basically they want something for nothing and I don't blame you or anyone else for criticizing these parasites in any shape or form.

    However, there are fair minded individuals like myself who don't have a problem with those who want to better themselves. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Those who we have a problem with are the folk who cross the border into Greedy Street. The type who have an unhealthy sense of entitlement. Michael Caine is a classic example.

    The goon was bleating the other week about having to pay extra tax despite having an estimated fortune of around 75 million dollars. He's got enough money to live very very comfortably on. If I and many others were in his position we'd appreciate what we had.

    Spoilt brats like Caine really do need to get a reality check.
    Good point, well said!

  23. #53
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I'm happy to say that we are in total agreement.
    Always knew you were one of the lads

  24. #54
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    Oh I am Jamie.

    Worked my way all the way up from the bottom, to almost the top....and then all the way back down again.

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